Why UK Firms Are Moving To UAE

There are several pointwise reasons why UK firms may be considering or moving to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It’s important to note that specific motivations can vary from one company to another, but here are some general factors that may be driving this trend:

  1. Economic Opportunities: The UAE offers a robust and dynamic economy with a favorable business environment. It has a strategic geographic location, strong infrastructure, and access to emerging markets in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. UK firms may see the UAE as a gateway to tap into these markets and expand their operations.
  2. Tax Benefits: The UAE has a business-friendly tax regime with no corporate income tax at the federal level. This can be a significant advantage for UK firms seeking to reduce their tax burden and increase profitability.
  3. Diversification and Growth: The UAE has been actively diversifying its economy away from oil dependency and investing heavily in sectors such as finance, technology, tourism, real estate, and renewable energy. UK firms may view the UAE as a fertile ground for growth and diversification of their business activities.
  4. Political Stability: The UAE is known for its political stability and security, which is an attractive factor for businesses looking for a stable operating environment. The government has implemented policies to attract foreign investment and has a reputation for being business-friendly.
  5. Expatriate Workforce: The UAE has a large expatriate population, including a significant number of UK nationals. This multicultural environment makes it easier for UK firms to find skilled workers who are familiar with Western business practices and can contribute to their operations.
  6. Free Zones and Special Economic Zones: The UAE has established numerous free zones and special economic zones that offer incentives to foreign businesses, such as 100% foreign ownership, streamlined bureaucratic processes, and customs exemptions. These zones provide an attractive environment for UK firms to establish their presence in the UAE.
  7. Infrastructure Development: The UAE has invested heavily in developing world-class infrastructure, including transportation, logistics, and telecommunications. This infrastructure supports the efficient movement of goods and services, making it easier for UK firms to conduct business operations and connect with regional markets.
  8. Cultural and Language Connections: The UAE has a multicultural society and is home to a large expatriate community from various countries, including the UK. This cultural diversity and the prevalence of English as a business language can make it easier for UK firms to adapt and communicate effectively in the UAE market.
  9. Trade Agreements: The UAE has signed numerous trade agreements and partnerships with countries worldwide, providing UK firms with access to preferential trade arrangements and opening up opportunities for increased export and import activities.

It’s worth noting that while these reasons may explain why some UK firms are considering or moving to the UAE, each company’s decision will depend on its specific circumstances, industry, and growth objectives.

Warehouse Management in UAE Food Crop Trading

Warehouse management in UAE food crop trading typically involves various steps and processes to ensure efficient storage, handling, and distribution of agricultural products. Here’s a detailed pointwise workflow for warehouse management in UAE food crop trading:

  1. Receiving and Inspection:
    • Food crops are received at the warehouse from suppliers or farmers.
    • Upon arrival, the crops are inspected for quality, quantity, and compliance with safety regulations.
    • Samples may be taken for laboratory testing if required.
  2. Sorting and Grading:
    • The crops are sorted based on factors like size, quality, and ripeness.
    • Grading is done to categorize the crops into different quality levels or grades.
    • This helps in maintaining uniformity and facilitates efficient inventory management.
  3. Storage:
    • Suitable storage conditions are provided based on the specific crop requirements (temperature, humidity, etc.).
    • Crops are stored in appropriate containers, such as bins, crates, or pallets, to ensure proper ventilation and prevent damage.
    • Warehouse management systems (WMS) may be used to track and manage inventory.
  4. Inventory Management:
    • WMS is utilized to record and monitor inventory levels, including batch numbers, expiry dates, and other relevant information.
    • Regular stock checks are conducted to ensure accurate inventory records.
    • FIFO (First-In, First-Out) or FEFO (First-Expired, First-Out) methods may be employed to manage inventory rotation and prevent spoilage.
  5. Quality Control:
    • Periodic quality checks are conducted to maintain product integrity.
    • This may involve visual inspections, sensory evaluations, and laboratory tests for factors like freshness, taste, and nutritional value.
    • Any damaged or spoiled crops are separated and disposed of properly.
  6. Order Processing:
    • Customers place orders for specific crops and quantities.
    • Order details are recorded, including delivery addresses and requested delivery dates.
    • The warehouse team prepares the orders by picking the required crops from the inventory.
  7. Packaging and Labeling:
    • Crops are packaged in appropriate containers (e.g., bags, boxes) based on customer requirements.
    • Labels containing product information, batch numbers, expiry dates, and barcodes are affixed to each package for traceability.
  8. Loading and Transportation:
    • The packaged crops are loaded onto vehicles for transportation to the customers or distribution centers.
    • Proper handling techniques are employed to prevent damage during loading and transit.
    • Temperature-controlled vehicles may be used for perishable crops to maintain freshness.
  9. Documentation and Compliance:
    • Necessary documentation, such as invoices, delivery notes, and certificates of origin, are prepared.
    • Compliance with regulatory requirements and food safety standards is ensured.
    • Export-related documentation is prepared for international shipments.
  10. Reporting and Analysis:
    • Data related to inventory levels, orders, quality control, and other relevant parameters are collected and analyzed.
    • Reports are generated to track warehouse performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed business decisions.

It’s important to note that specific workflows may vary depending on the size and type of warehouse, the crops being handled, and the individual company’s processes and requirements. The workflow provided above serves as a general guideline for warehouse management in UAE food crop trading.

Steps To Rise The Kundalini Permanently

The concept of rising Kundalini permanently refers to the awakening and continuous flow of the dormant spiritual energy within the body. Kundalini awakening is a profound and transformative process that requires proper understanding, preparation, and guidance. Here are some general steps to support the awakening and rise of Kundalini energy:

  1. Seek Knowledge and Understanding: Study and gain knowledge about Kundalini energy, its significance, and the associated practices. Understand the potential effects and challenges that may arise during the awakening process.
  2. Cultivate a Regular Spiritual Practice: Establish a consistent spiritual practice that includes elements such as meditation, breathwork (pranayama), chanting, and yoga asanas. This helps purify the body, mind, and energy channels, preparing them for the Kundalini awakening.
  3. Purify the Physical Body: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting adequate rest. Avoid toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, and excessive consumption of caffeine or processed foods. A clean and healthy body supports the free flow of energy.
  4. Balance and Open the Energy Centers (Chakras): Work on balancing and opening the seven main energy centers or chakras in the body. This can be done through specific meditation practices, visualization, energy healing, or by working with an experienced practitioner.
  5. Seek Guidance from an Experienced Teacher: Kundalini awakening is a profound process that can be intense and overwhelming. It is recommended to seek guidance from an experienced teacher or spiritual mentor who has firsthand knowledge and understanding of the Kundalini journey. They can provide personalized guidance, support, and practices tailored to your specific needs.
  6. Surrender and Let Go: Cultivate a state of surrender and let go of attachments, expectations, and limiting beliefs. Trust in the process and surrender to the divine intelligence within you. Allow the Kundalini energy to unfold naturally, without trying to force or control it.
  7. Work with Kundalini Awakening Techniques: Engage in specific Kundalini awakening techniques such as Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini meditation, or specialized practices like Shaktipat initiation (transmission of spiritual energy from a teacher to a disciple). These practices are designed to awaken and activate the Kundalini energy within.

It’s important to note that Kundalini awakening is a deeply personal and individual journey. It can unfold differently for each person, and the timeline and experiences may vary. It is essential to approach this process with patience, humility, and respect for the transformative power of Kundalini energy. Always listen to your intuition and seek guidance from experienced practitioners to ensure a safe and supportive awakening process.

How to activate Bandhas (energy locks) in Sambhavi Maha Mudra

Activating the Bandhas (energy locks) in Sambhavi Maha Mudra can enhance the effectiveness and energy flow within the practice. Here’s how you can activate the Bandhas while practicing Sambhavi Maha Mudra:

  1. Mula Bandha (Root Lock):
    • Sit in a comfortable meditation posture, such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or Siddhasana (Perfect Pose).
    • Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the pelvic floor region.
    • Contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, as if you’re trying to hold back the urge to urinate or stop the flow of urine.
    • Lift the muscles upwards and inwards, creating a gentle engagement.
    • Maintain this contraction throughout the practice, but avoid excessive straining or tension.
  2. Uddiyana Bandha (Abdominal Lock):
    • Inhale deeply and exhale completely.
    • After exhaling, draw the lower abdomen in and up towards the spine, creating a hollowing sensation.
    • Simultaneously, lift the diaphragm towards the chest cavity.
    • Hold this engagement, but continue to breathe naturally without forcing the breath.
    • As a beginner, it may be challenging to hold this lock for an extended period, so practice gradually and build up your strength over time.
  3. Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock):
    • In Sambhavi Maha Mudra, Jalandhara Bandha is already partially activated by gazing at the tip of the nose.
    • While maintaining Nasikagra Drishti (gaze at the nose tip), gently bring your chin towards your chest, creating a slight but comfortable downward pressure on the throat.
    • The back of the neck should lengthen and the cervical spine should be aligned.
    • Maintain this position, but keep the breath flowing smoothly.

Remember, activating the Bandhas requires practice and gradual refinement. Start by incorporating the Bandhas in your regular yoga practice and gradually extend it to Sambhavi Maha Mudra. It’s advisable to learn these techniques from an experienced yoga teacher who can guide you through the process and provide personalized instructions based on your individual needs and abilities.

How to achieve ultimate consciousness

The concept of achieving ultimate consciousness can be interpreted in various ways, depending on one’s spiritual or philosophical beliefs. Here are some general practices that are often associated with the pursuit of expanded consciousness:

  1. Self-Inquiry and Reflection: Engage in self-inquiry to understand the nature of your own consciousness. Question your beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions to gain deeper insights into the nature of reality and your own existence.
  2. Meditation: Regular meditation practice is a powerful tool for cultivating consciousness. It helps quiet the mind, increase self-awareness, and develop a deeper connection to the present moment. Explore different meditation techniques such as mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or transcendental meditation.
  3. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness in your daily life by bringing full awareness to each moment. Be fully present and engaged in whatever you are doing, whether it’s eating, walking, or interacting with others. This cultivates a state of heightened consciousness and appreciation for the present experience.
  4. Spiritual Study and Guidance: Explore spiritual teachings and philosophies that resonate with you. Read books, attend lectures or workshops, and seek guidance from wise teachers or spiritual mentors who can provide insights and practices for expanding consciousness.
  5. Detachment from Egoic Identification: Work on transcending the ego, the illusion of a separate self. Recognize that your true nature is beyond the limitations of the ego and the mind. Let go of attachments to material possessions, identities, and external outcomes. Cultivate a sense of surrender and acceptance.
  6. Service and Compassion: Engage in acts of selfless service and practice compassion towards others. Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and cultivate a sense of unity and empathy. Serving others and alleviating suffering can expand your consciousness and deepen your understanding of the interconnected nature of existence.
  7. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature and develop a deep connection with the natural world. Engage in activities such as hiking, gardening, or simply sitting in a peaceful natural setting. Nature has a way of awakening our senses and reminding us of the inherent beauty and interconnectedness of life.
  8. Cultivate Awareness in Daily Life: Practice being fully present in your daily activities. Bring awareness to your thoughts, emotions, and reactions throughout the day. Notice any patterns or conditioning that arise and consciously choose how to respond rather than reacting automatically.

It’s important to note that achieving ultimate consciousness is a lifelong journey and may have different meanings for different individuals. It’s advisable to approach this quest with an open mind, patience, and a spirit of exploration. Seek practices and teachings that resonate with you personally and continue to evolve and deepen your understanding of consciousness along your unique path.

Kinds Of Karma and Ways To Update Your Karma

In Hinduism, karma refers to the concept of cause and effect, where one’s actions in the present or past lives determine their future experiences. There are different types of karma based on the nature of the actions performed. Here are some commonly recognized types of karma:

  1. Sanchita Karma: This refers to the accumulated karma from past actions that are yet to be experienced. It is like a storehouse of all the actions, good or bad, from previous lives or the current life.
  2. Prarabdha Karma: This is the portion of sanchita karma that has ripened and is responsible for the current life circumstances. It determines the specific life situations, challenges, and opportunities one encounters.
  3. Kriyamana Karma: Also known as Agami Karma, it is the karma that is being created in the present moment through current actions. These actions contribute to the store of future karma.
  4. Vartamana Karma: This refers to the karma that is happening in the present moment. It is the sum total of one’s thoughts, words, and actions at any given time.

Updating or modifying one’s karma involves making conscious choices and performing actions that generate positive or beneficial outcomes. Here are some ways to work on your karma:

  1. Self-reflection and Awareness: Develop self-awareness and reflect on your thoughts, intentions, and actions. Recognize patterns of behavior and identify areas that require improvement.
  2. Righteous Actions: Engage in actions that are ethical, compassionate, and beneficial to others. Practice kindness, honesty, generosity, and non-violence.
  3. Karma Yoga: Practice selfless service or karma yoga. Engage in actions without attachment to the results, dedicating the fruits of your actions to a higher power or the well-being of others.
  4. Meditation and Mindfulness: Cultivate a regular meditation and mindfulness practice. This helps develop a calm and focused mind, enabling you to make conscious choices and act in alignment with positive values.
  5. Resolve Past Karma: Seek forgiveness and make amends for any past actions that may have caused harm to others. This can be done through sincere apologies, restitution, and actively working towards personal growth and transformation.
  6. Spiritual Practices: Engage in spiritual practices like prayer, chanting, mantra repetition, or devotional practices. These practices can help purify the mind, generate positive vibrations, and elevate consciousness.

Remember that the process of updating karma is a continuous and lifelong journey. It requires consistent effort, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth. The intention behind your actions and the cultivation of positive qualities are key factors in shaping your karma.

How to practice “Sambhavi Maha Mudra”

Sambhavi Maha Mudra is an advanced yogic practice that involves specific body postures, breath control, and focused attention. It is recommended to learn and practice this mudra under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher. Nevertheless, here are some general instructions for practicing Sambhavi Maha Mudra:

  1. Preparation:
    • Find a quiet and clean space where you can practice without distractions.
    • Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement.
    • Ideally, practice on an empty stomach or a few hours after a meal.
    • Sit in a comfortable meditation posture, such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose) or Siddhasana (Perfect Pose).
  2. Relaxation:
    • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
    • Release any tension in your muscles, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head.
    • Relax your facial muscles, jaw, and shoulders.
  3. Align the Body:
    • Sit with a tall, upright spine, aligning the head, neck, and back.
    • Engage the core muscles to support the spine.
    • Allow your shoulders to relax and gently roll them back.
  4. Nasikagra Drishti (Nose Tip Gazing):
    • Open your eyes and focus your gaze on the tip of your nose.
    • Keep your eyes relaxed and avoid straining them.
    • Maintain a soft focus without blinking excessively.
  5. Breath Awareness:
    • Bring your attention to your breath.
    • Observe the natural flow of inhalation and exhalation.
    • Gradually make your breath slow, deep, and rhythmic.
    • Practice steady and even breaths throughout the practice.
  6. Mental Focus:
    • Along with the physical practice, bring your awareness to the Ajna Chakra (the “third eye” or the space between the eyebrows).
    • Direct your attention to this point while maintaining Nasikagra Drishti.
  7. Duration:
    • Initially, practice Sambhavi Maha Mudra for a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable and experienced.
    • Aim for a practice duration of 5-10 minutes to start with.

Remember, Sambhavi Maha Mudra is an advanced practice that requires proper guidance and preparation. If you have any specific health conditions or concerns, it’s important to consult with a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional before attempting this practice.


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Required Documents and Forms

Where the applicant is a natural person:

  • Passport.
  • Valid Residence Permit.
  • Emirates ID.
  • A certified copy of residential lease agreement.
  • Source of income/salary certificate.
  • A bank statement issued by a local bank covering 6 months within the financial year related to the request.
  • Entry and exit report from Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship or a local competent Government entity.

Where the applicant is a legal person:

  • Trade License.
  • Proof of Authorization (Establishment Contract or the Power of Attorney).
  • Copy of the audited financial accounts certified by a certified audit firm.
  • A bank statement issued by a local bank covering 6 months within the financial year related to the request.
  • Certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (if applicable).

Where the applicant is a legal person – Government entity:

  • A copy of the Decree or the Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Request letter issued by the person (the Government entity).
    To get the one do leave your message for more information needed. I can help you out to get the one.

History of Quarantine

The Middle Ages

The practice of quarantine, as we know it, began during the 14th century in an effort to protect coastal cities from plague epidemics. Ships arriving in Venice from infected ports were required to sit at anchor for 40 days before landing. This practice, called quarantine, was derived from the Italian words quaranta giorni which mean 40 days.

Early American Quarantine

When the United States was first established, little was done to prevent the importation of infectious diseases. Protection against imported diseases fell under local and state jurisdiction. Individual municipalities enacted a variety of quarantine regulations for arriving vessels.

State and local governments made sporadic attempts to impose quarantine requirements. Continued outbreaks of yellow fever finally prompted Congress to pass federal quarantine legislation in 1878. This legislation, while not conflicting with states’ rights, paved the way for federal involvement in quarantine activities.

U.S. Public Health Service Officers, like those shown in this image taken circa 1912, wore uniforms while performing quarantine station duties beginning in the late 19th Century. Photo courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.

Late 19th Century

Outbreaks of cholera from passenger ships arriving from Europe prompted a reinterpretation of the law in 1892 to provide the federal government more authority in imposing quarantine requirements. The following year, Congress passed legislation that further clarified the federal role in quarantine activities. As local authorities came to realize the benefits of federal involvement, local quarantine stations were gradually turned over to the U.S. government. Additional federal facilities were built and the number of staff was increased to provide better coverage. The quarantine system was fully nationalized by 1921 when administration of the last quarantine station was transferred to the U.S. government.

Public Health Service Act

The Public Health Service Act of 1944 clearly established the federal government’s quarantine authority for the first time. The act gave the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) responsibility for preventing the introduction, transmission, and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States.

Reorganization and Expansion

This PHS cutter ship was used to transport quarantine inspectors to board ships flying the yellow quarantine flag. The flag was flown until quarantine and customs personnel inspected and cleared the ship to dock at the port.

This PHS cutter ship was used to transport quarantine inspectors to board ships flying the yellow quarantine flag. The flag was flown until quarantine and customs personnel inspected and cleared the ship to dock at the port.

Originally part of the Treasury Department, Quarantine and PHS, its parent organization, became part of the Federal Security Agency in 1939. In 1953, PHS and Quarantine joined the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). Quarantine was then transferred to the agency now known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1967. CDC remained part of HEW until 1980 when the department was reorganized into the Department of Health and Human Services.

When CDC assumed responsibility for Quarantine, it was a large organization with 55 quarantine stations and more than 500 staff members. Quarantine stations were located at every port, international airport, and major border crossing.

From Inspection to Intervention

After evaluating the quarantine program and its role in preventing disease transmission, CDC trimmed the program in the 1970s and changed its focus from routine inspection to program management and intervention. The new focus included an enhanced surveillance system to monitor the onset of epidemics abroad and a modernized inspection process to meet the changing needs of international traffic.

By 1995, all U.S. ports of entry were covered by only seven quarantine stations. A station was added in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, just before the city hosted the 1996 Summer Olympic Games. Following the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 2003, CDC reorganized the quarantine station system, expanding to 18 stations with more than 90 field employees.

Quarantine Now

The Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is part of CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases and is headquartered in Atlanta. Quarantine stations are located in Anchorage, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, El Paso, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, San Juan, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.

Under its delegated authority, the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is empowered to detain, medically examine, or conditionally release individuals and wildlife suspected of carrying a communicable disease.

Signs like this one, for the El Paso Quarantine Station, identify the Quarantine Station facilities located in airports and at land border crossings.

The list of quarantinable diseases is contained in an Executive Order of the President and includes cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers(such as Marburg, Ebola, and Congo-Crimean), and severe acute respiratory syndromes.

Many other illnesses of public health significance, such as measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox, are not contained in the list of quarantinable illnesses, but continue to pose a health risk to the public. Quarantine Station personnel respond to reports of ill travelers aboard airplanes, ships, and at land border crossings to make an assessment of the public health risk and initiate an appropriate response.

How to help loved one who passed away

Many people seek the services of a medium because they want to know that their loved ones who have passed over are peacefully resting, surrounded by love and still very much alive. Receiving messages from a professional medium can ease the grieving process as well as provide insight as to how your loved ones who have crossed over are guiding and assisting you in your daily life.

Yet, you do not have to be a professional medium to communicate with loved ones on the other side. It is natural and normal to sense the presence of your loved ones, especially in difficult and challenging times. Perhaps you have experienced this yourself. For instance: Has the solution to a problem or concern suddenly popped up in your thoughts? When you need to make a decision, have you ever had a strong intuitive feeling that inspired you to choose the best outcome? Do you at times find that you are at the right place at the right time or have surprising good luck? These and other similar experiences are signs that you are being guided by an invisible presence. A loved on the other side is likely working diligently to assist and help you.

Although you may be aware of being guided by the loving presence of another in the spirit realm, you may not be aware of the extent to which you are able to help loved ones on the other side. You are more powerful than you may realize. Love transcends the boundaries of time and space. Your efforts here on earth impact those you love, both here in the physical world and in the beyond.

Here are the only three ways that you can assist your loved ones on the other side who have passed over.

3 Ways to Help Loved Ones on the Other Side

1 – Claim Victory over Challenges

One of the ways that our loved ones on the Other Side continue to heal and evolve is by drawing close to those of us in the physical world that are experiencing similar life lessons. When your loved ones in spirit review their earth lives, they become aware of the decisions and actions that they took while in the physical world that supported or sabotaged their soul growth and evolution. Inspired by the all-knowing awareness of the heavens, they begin to understand how they may have limited their ability to manifest and experience their highest good. This is where you come in. By watching and observing your positive efforts in confronting your day to day challenges and circumstances, healing your emotional wounds, developing your talents and skills, and your service and kindness to others, they have the opportunity to vicariously experience a new way through you. Through your personal choices, struggles and actions, those who have passed over are inspired, encouraged helped and healed.

2 – Forgive

Let go of the past. Release and heal the wounds and the injustices done to you by those on the other side. Forgiveness frees you from the heavy chains of negativity. When you allow yourself to love another despite the wrongdoings that they have committed, you dissolve your karmic connection to him or her. Loving healing energy streams into your soul and you are free.

Our loved ones on the other side need our forgiveness. In a recent reading, a client’s father came forward from the spirit realm to thank his daughter for forgiving him. Her father told her that when she forgave him he allowed himself to experience and absorb the love that was all around him. He realized the harshness and meanness that he inflicted on her and he felt a deep repentance and sadness. He could not understand how he could have hurt such a beautiful soul. Her forgiveness humbled him and allowed him to heal.

When you forgive another who is on the other side you return to them their actions, thoughts and emotions. The energy goes back to its source. Those in spirit who you forgive are motivated to focus on the actions, beliefs and the choices that they made while in the physical world. What we do, we do to ourselves.

The degree to which you forgive another, you will accept forgiveness for yourself. Forgiveness magnifies the energy of authentic love and compassion and allows miracles into your life.

3 – Live Life to the Fullest

Embrace the goodness of life. Practice gratitude and generate positive energy. Not only does this create happiness in your own life, your enthusiasm inspires and creates a stronger bond with those loved ones on the other side.

Those who did not take advantage of opportunities in the physical realm, procrastinated or had a negative prospective, learn from your courage and positivity. Once in the spirit realm your loved ones become aware that they created what they experienced here on earth through their attitudes, thoughts and perception. Through the positive choices that you make that lead to happiness, they can experience the physical realm in a new way.

What is life after death?

Inevitably, people come into our life in birth and then leave by crossing the veil in death, and we are filled with questions about what happens to them. Here are the eight stages of death as well as a detailed view of what happens when we leave this earth plane and move towards the light.

 The 8 Stages of Crossing the Veil

#1 – Peaceful Death

We all go through the ravages of death, be it peaceful or a painful death. The transition process after death happens according to a Divine plan. It’s normal to have some apprehension, even when we are totally grounded in faith. If it’s a painful death, all pain and suffering ends and a peaceful feeling takes over. At that moment, we might not even know we have died.

 #2 – Looking Back at our Body

Then, we have the experience after death of rising up and looking down on our lifeless body. We may see doctors, emergency personnel and lots of different people running around trying to save our life. Yet, as we look down, we are still somewhat in a daze and don’t really understand what is happening. We are trying to communicate to everyone that we are up here, not down there. Soon we understand that the body on the table is not important, and we move on.

 #3 – The Tunnel of Light

At that point, an angel takes our hand as we begin moving through a dark tunnel with a super bright light at the end. Others may start moving through the tunnel alone. While this happens, there is a feeling of anticipation – of something wonderful about to happen.

#4 – Beings of Light and Angels

Once we enter the field of light, we are greeted by spiritual beings, such as Jesus, Krishna and many others as well as greeted by multiple angels or light beings. Then, we are enveloped in a feeling of blissful and unconditional love. This feeling is typically difficult to describe as most have not experienced it before. There is no looking back now as we are only interested in staying in this wonderful place.

#5 – Life Review

Next, a review of every single thing that happened during our life begins. Rather than a viewing these experiences as a movie, one is actually experiencing every experience again. The life review is also experienced from the view point of what we caused others to feel while we were alive. We feel all the suffering, anguish, guilt and shame that we created, and we also feel all the love, peace, contentment and caring that we gave to others. Some individual look back and have regrets about particular objectives in life that never happened. Perhaps, we wanted to be a teacher, a dancer or a great painter, and we wish that would have happened.

 #6 – A Simple Question

The next stage involves one simple question — “Did you learn what you came to learn?” Answering very truthfully, there’s no need to make anything up or attempt to make anyone look bad. Only truth will answer this question. Then, we join the light of God for a short time or return to the earth plane to be reborn with some other parents. This process may vary slightly depending on the culture and the spiritual understanding of the person.

#7 – In the Light

Those individuals who have accomplished their purpose have a respite for a while in the light of God, while basking in the bliss and understanding their connection to the One and only. There is no time or space; there is only pure love and consciousness. If for some reason we think of someone or something, we are instantaneously connected to that person, place or thing.

 #8 – The Great Return

Evolved souls will sooner or later hear the suffering on Earth and will choose to return. Due to their great love for humanity, they allow themselves to leave the light of God in order to be reborn, so they can feel, learn and help others make their way to God once again. Even though they will suffer all the pains of being mortal while on the earthly plane, they march forward to love.

 If you have family members who are about to pass, remember the light of love is waiting for them.

Om Mani Padme Hum

ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

Mantras may be interpreted by practitioners in many ways, or even as mere sequences of sound whose effects lie beyond strict semantic meaning.

The middle part of the mantra, maṇipadme, is often interpreted as being in the locative case, “jewel in the lotus,” Sanskrit maṇí “jewel, gem, cintamani” and the locative of padma “lotus”.

The Lotus is a symbol present throughout Indian religion, signifying purity (due to its ability to emerge unstained from the mud) and spiritual fruition (and thus, awakening).

Maṇipadme is preceded by the oṃ syllable and followed by the hūṃ syllable, both interjections without linguistic meaning, but widely known as divine sounds.

The Mantra

First, the nature of a mantra and what it means: In the Buddhist tradition, special words are repeated over and over again until they begin to gather a certain “emptiness”. This is not “emptiness” in the traditional sense where we imagine an experience of nothing…rather it’s experiencing ourselves in the moment without the usual attachment of ego. We become free or ’empty’ of everything but inner awareness. That form of enlightened awareness gives us the intuitive knowledge to save ourselves from suffering.

The 6 Syllables and Their Relationship to Suffering

Interestingly, each of the 6 syllables has certain Sanskrit meanings that are important. These oppose certain internal forces that cause suffering.

  • Om (ohm)- Om is the sound or “vibration” of the universe. This sound is the most important of all; but in the context of chanting and mantras, it is meant destroy attachments to ego and establish generosity.
  • Ma (mah)- Removes the attachment to jealousy and establishes ethics.
  • Ni (nee)- Removes the attachment to desire and establishes patience.
  • Pad (pahd)- Removes the attachment to prejudice and establishes perseverance.
  • Me (meh)- Removes the attachment to possessiveness and establishes concentration.
  • Hum (hum)- Removes the attachment to hatred and establishes wisdom.

What is life?

We all have a story about
Who we are and
Why we experience what we do?
What is your story?
What roles do you play in the story of your life?
Are You Writing the Story of Your Life?
Are you the wounded healer?
Are you always the bridesmaid, never the bride?

Maybe your story is called “I can’t trust myself, so I’m hoping someone will rescue me before I mess up too badly story,” but you want it to be called “I’ve got this!” What part of you is making it hard to adopt the new story?

You can learn more about that self that is the overlooked bridesmaid or wounded healer and develop a different relationship to these aspects of who you are. You could learn something about that insecure part of you and discover what you could do to be more confident. Doing this might help you transform your habitual behaviors and attitudes, change your story, and change your roles in the story of your life.

The story you are living according to right now might not be working for you. If you were to write a new story yourself to explain what you have been through and where you are in your life’s journey, you might feel Courageous instead of scared, Valued instead of taken for granted, Seen instead of overlooked, competent instead of incompetent. If you work as a healer—an acupuncturist, a counselor, or a nurse, for example—maybe you can discover new ways in which your own wounds can help you be more understanding of others who are suffering.

To write a better story, you must first acknowledge what your story has been until this point and what roles you have played in it. If you were “always the bridesmaid,” who cast you in that role? In other words, who wrote the story about how your needs and happiness are secondary to someone else’s? And why did you adopt that story? Did you even realize you adopted it?

Although it can be painful to see your story for what it truly is and be honest about your role in scripting it, doing so can help you claim your power to make different choices in the future. Every role you have played in your life has qualities that you might not want to look at too closely because they make you feel embarrassed or insecure.

If you have always been the bridesmaid, supporting others and not receiving support yourself, maybe you have at times pushed away help that was offered to you. Maybe you are the wounded healer, able to help others but not fully recovered from your own wounds, wearing yourself out as you care for others but don’t take care of yourself. Perhaps you haven’t acknowledged how much healing you need to keep yourself strong. As you think about your past, consider whether you could write a new story about your relationship to the bridesmaid, wounded healer, or insecure and doubting self within you.

If you want to feel confident, imagine that self-doubting character you inhabit at times. What would you call this character? What does this “self” look like? Can you find something lovable about it? How has it helped you? Could it continue to help you in the future without your letting it take over and stop you from stepping out boldly?

As you think about these inner selves that have qualities that embarrass you or make it hard for you to be confident, imagine that they have strengths you have overlooked that have served you. Close your eyes, meditate to reduce the activity of your conscious mind, and let your unconscious mind guide you to receive a message from this character that represents a role you have played.

Three Strategies for Releasing Resentments
  1. Maybe your bridesmaid within you, the self that regularly supports others, needs to start helping you more often.
  2. Maybe the wounded healer in you will recognize where you are not setting firm boundaries with others so you can take care of your own needs a little better.
  3. Maybe your doubting self, who is uncertain about whether you can be trusted with decision making, can recognize that you do make good decisions when you give yourself time to examine your doubts. Maybe it can convince you to be honest about whether you’re ready for a particular challenge and get some help from others rather than try to do everything on your own.

Change your relationship with these aspects of yourself that are like selves within, and you will start to change your story about what happened to you and why. That sets you up to fully claim the role of the storyteller of your life and helps you write a new story, one that’s more pleasing to you and Spirit.

5 things to prevent Corona virus (COVID-19): What Do I Do If I Feel Sick?

If you have a cough, a fever or difficulty breathing, and you are worried that you may have COVID-19, the disease caused by the new corona virus, here are, on what to do, step by step.

1. Stay Calm

The possibility of having a contagious illness is scary, but doctors, nurses and other caregivers are learning more about COVID-19 every day. They are working together with national and international agencies to identify and provide care to patients while avoiding spread of the illness in the community.

2. Practice Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

  • If you do leave your home to go to a care facility, wear a mask so your coughs and sneezes are less likely to infect others. (Masks are NOT recommended for healthy people in the general population.)
  • Wash your hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) after sneezing, blowing your nose, coughing or using the bathroom, and before preparing or eating food.
  • If you cough or sneeze, do so into the bend of your elbow, not your hand. Or use a tissue, and then throw it away immediately afterward.
  • At home, clean often-touched surfaces such as doors and doorknobs, cabinet handles, bathroom hardware, tabletops, phones, tablets and keyboards regularly with disinfectant.

3. Stay Home and Call a Health Care Provider

Unless it is an emergency, to reduce your risk of catching or spreading illness, stay home if you feel sick, even if your symptoms are mild. Do not go to work, school or public places, and avoid public transportation.

If your symptoms are severe or you feel like you need medical care, call before you go to a doctor’s office, urgent care center or emergency room. Describe your symptoms over the phone.

If you have a medical emergency, call ambulance and tell the dispatcher about your symptoms and recent travel history.

4. Answer Questions to Determine Your Risk

When you call a health care facility, you will be asked about your risks for COVID-19. Risk factors include recent travel to certain countries or areas, or exposure to an infected person.

For instance, people calling hospitals or clinics are asked:

  • Have you had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus? (Close contact means having been within 6 feet of that person for an extended time, or being exposed to their cough or sneeze.)
  • Do you have a fever, a cough or difficulty breathing?
  • Has a public health officer said you were potentially exposed to COVID-19?

5. Follow Your Health Care Provider’s Instructions

Based on your answers to these questions, the care provider will provide instructions over the phone. You will be told if you need to be evaluated, and if so, what to do next. Based on your risk for COVID-19, your health care provider may recommend that you:

  • Continue to monitor your health and call back if you develop a fever or respiratory symptoms.
  • Stay home and await further instructions.
  • Report to a designated medical care facility for evaluation and treatment. It’s best to go alone to your appointment. Do not bring children or other family members unless you need assistance.
  • Go to a clinic or emergency department if you have more severe symptoms, such as higher fever and severe shortness of breath.

2019’s UAE Businessman’s Top 5 Best Choices For Laptop

Below article will help you to choose the right business laptop as per the market niche.

Picking up the best laptop for your business as per your needs and convenience is not havoc now a days and thanks to the advancement of the technology that due to of wide range of choice but yeah for selecting the correct one, it is J.

I always look for the basic criteria which the best business laptops combine cutting edge productivity features with slim line designs and long battery life that provides mobility and productivity – essential functions for the modern workplace. While compiling this list of the best business laptops, we’ve taken into consideration a number of key factors including power, battery life, feature set and sheer value for money.

This means that we’ve selected a wider range of laptops to suit most if not all budgets and hopefully all tastes; there’s a mix of cutting-edge products and old favorites here.

All of them, except for one, come with the professional version of Microsoft Windows to enhance their business credentials.

1. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon

CPU: Intel Core i7-7600U vPro | Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620 | RAM: 16GB | Screen: 14-inch, 2560 x 1440 pixels | Storage: 1TB SSD

It is smaller and lighter in every way to previous versions, improved Microsoft Precision Touchpad but expensive.

Previous versions of the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon have been the absolute best-in-class when it comes to business laptops, and this year’s model is no exception, with Lenovo delivering a thinner and smaller design with practically no trade-offs. Despite its small size, the ThinkPad X1 Carbon comes with pretty much every feature you need in a productivity machine, making it the best business laptop money can buy. Thanks to a battery life of up to 15.5 hours, and a rapid charging feature that brings the battery back up to 80% capacity in only an hours, the X1 Carbon is an Ultrabook that lets you keep on working while you’re on the move.

2. Dell XPS 13 Kaby Lake

CPU: 2.5GHz Intel Core i5-7200U | Graphics: Intel HD620 | RAM: 8GB | Screen: 13.3-inch, 1920 x 1080 pixels | Storage: 256GB SSD

It is unique form factor, officially supports Ubuntu but no discrete graphics card option.

Believe it or not, Dell classifies the XPS 13 as a business laptop, albeit one that is geared towards a home office environment but businessmen (and women) will love the design. This ultraportable laptop – as Dell puts it – punches above its weight with Windows 10 Pro across the entire range as well as rather attractive pricing.

This award winning laptop (it won best laptop of the year from us and many others) manages to pack a 13.3-inch display into the chassis of an average 11.6-inch model.

The laptop can be upgraded to 16GB of RAM and a 1TB M2 SSD drive. Battery life is exceptional as well with almost 22 hours of continual use when using productivity applications.

3. HP 255 G6

CPU: AMD A6 9220 | Graphics: AMD Radeon R2 | RAM: 4GB | Screen: 15.6-inch, 1366 x 768 pixels | Storage: 500GB HDD, 3 year Next business day onsite warranty

It is very affordable price, but low resolution and bloatware.

The 255 G6 is HP’s entry-level business laptop and is a solid candidate should you be looking for a straightforward, reliable, workhorse at a bargain price. Don’t expect any fireworks as it is a basic model; it just does the job without much ado. One thing that works for this machine though is its price – the G6 battles with Lenovo for the best-value business laptop on the market.

If you want a similar business laptop with an Intel processor, rather than AMD, then the HP 250 G6 is worth looking into. There are various configurations of both the HP 255 G6 and the HP 250 G6, so it’s worth shopping around and finding one with the right components for your needs.

4. Lenovo ThinkPad E470

CPU: 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-7500U | Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 620 | RAM: 16GB | Screen: 14-inch, 1920 x 1080 pixels | Storage: 256GB SSD

Today’s best lenovo thinkpad e470 deals

It has outstanding value for money and discrete graphics card but no high capacity battery option and no DisplayPort.

Lenovo took an existing form factor and refined it to deliver the new 2016-2017 ThinkPad E470. Powered by the 7th generation Intel Core processors, this particular SKU has a 14-inch FHD anti-glare display, powered by a discrete Nvidia Geforce 940MX 2GB GPU.

Equipped with a spill resistant keyboard, a TrackPoint and a 3+2 buttons click pad, the E470 has more than enough ports and expansion capabilities to keep the average user happy. Shame that it doesn’t do DisplayPort, so no 4K output.

5. Apple Macbook Pro with Touch Bar

CPU: Dual-core Intel Core i5 – i7 | Graphics: Intel Iris plus Graphics 640 – 650 | RAM: 8GB – 16GB | Screen: 13.3-inch, (2,560 x 1,600) IPS | Storage: 256GB – 1TB PCIe 3.0 SSD

It is the best MacBook Pro ever, Super-fast performance but expensive and has disappointing battery life.

If you’re after the latest and greatest laptop from Apple, we suggest you check out the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, which is one of the best business laptops in 2018. The headline feature is the Touch Bar – it’s a thin OLED display at the top of the keyboard which can be used for any number of things, whether that be auto-suggesting words as you type or offering Touch ID so you can log in with just your fingerprint. If you’re a massive fan of the MacBook Pro, you’ll be happy with this model but there are some serious reasons why you should consider one of the Windows alternatives. If you work with a lot of creative applications, such as Photoshop, then the MacBook Pro is a fantastic choice.

Wafi Mall- Place to MUST see in Dubai


Wafi City is a city in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The complex comprises a mall, hotel, restaurants, residences, and a nightclub. The “city” is designed after Ancient Egypt. This themed atmosphere contains columns evocative of Karnak, small pyramids, and images of emperors. All the walls are the color of the light brown stone that can be found on all constructions in Ancient Egypt.



Just walking through the entry into the bright and airy interior of Wafi, you’ll feel a sense of comfort and cool. The charming Raffles Botanical Garden enlarges over one hectare and is intended to raise the spirit, depicting the four elements of life, fire, wind, earth and water. A stay at Raffles Dubai offers a sanctuary of under stated, elegant luxury to extend and enhance your enjoyment of the Wafi style of life.


The best part of it is outdoor cinema. I liked it the most.
Apart from that the ambiance of nearby area is like below image.


It’s all about sand and storm today…..


As per BBC it was the major sandstorm strike the United Arab Emirates.

But at the end of the day: vision is clear, wind is clam, so do storm has also decided to be calm down and allowed moon to rise soon. All was like magnificent and beautifully taken care by almighty.
The whole day taught a lesson that there is always a ray of hope after each storm.


10 ways to beat the heat in Dubai.

With temperatures in Dubai touching 47 degrees Celsius in June, weather experts have warned that Ramadan will be not as good as, with heat and humidity increasing. The summer has just in full swing, and we have extensive, long summer in front of us. Dubai isn’t for everyone; there is a certain ‘art’ to living in Dubai for those who have known that. You’re off to a good start, if you have a strong skin and an aptitude to see the humor in everything. From May – September the heat is pretty intolerable And regardless of whether you are patient or demanding in any of these situations, most of the time you would not win to beat the heat if you lack of below mentioned tactics.

1. Monitor Heat Index: Take a note on heat index and monitor by taking necessary precautions when the heat index is above 90°F. Plan out your most of the energetic activities for early in the morning when the temperatures are calmest. It will help you out to design your day effectively.

2. Clothing: Clothing’s means a lot whether you are dressing up for the party or trying to coping up with the heat. Attire light colored cotton clothing with a looser fit. When working in the sun wear sunglasses and a cap that covers the head, ears and neck. Apply sunscreen frequently to visible skin.

3. Drink Enough Water: If it is hot or not drinking water is doctor prescribe medicine to keep your body healthy. Throughout days of great heat, drink cold water or other cold non-alcoholic non-caffeinated brews even if you do not feel thirsty. During moderate activity, in moderately hot conditions, at least one pint of water per hour is needed. Small quantities should be consumed frequently, i.e. about 6 ounces or a medium glass full about every 20 minutes. Those who sweat heavily may need to drink even more than this amount. If your urine becomes dark in color or decreased in amount, you are becoming dehydrated and need to increase your fluid intake. Do not take salt tablets unless advised to do so by your physician. Hourly fluid intake should not exceed 1.5 quarts and daily fluid intake should not exceed 12 quarts.

4. Take a break: Rest breaks should be taken in an air-conditioned or shaded space. Eat light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads. Wash your face, head and neck with cold water to further cool down

5. Take care of your medicine: If you take prescription medications or have a chronic health problem, discuss specific precautions you should take with your health care provider.

6. Showering: Increase your number of shower. It helps to keep your body cool and avoid exhaustion as well. Spending quality time in swimming pool or on beach once sun is set will give you a big relief in this hot season.

7. Sheltering: City is quite clever in reducing the heat influence on its residents. Air-conditioned oases are found everywhere from your home, to your car, to your office, to the shopping malls, to the public transport.

8. Heat cramps: Hotness contractions are painful muscle spasms mostly in the legs and abdomen that are interrelated to dehydration. Treatment comprises of accumulative fluids and applying compression to the cramping muscle.

9. Heat exhaustion: It happens when a person is incapable to retain with the need to cool down his body through the normal mechanisms of energy and sweating although the body is trying hard to keep up. Indications may include headache; thread pulse, dizziness, weakness, or fainting; upset stomach; heavy sweating; skin that is cool, pale, and clammy; mood changes. Treatment emphases on cooling and hydration. Get a cool spot preferably with a fan or air conditioning vent blowing directly. Eliminate needless clothing including shoes and socks. Have the person drink as many cold fluids as can be tolerated (about 8 ounces every 15 minutes). If the person is dizzy, have him sit or lie down. Indications should improve within 15 to 30 minutes with treatment. Watch the person carefully for deteriorating symptoms and call for emergency support if symptoms do not rapidly recover. Do not leave the person unaccompanied.

10. Heat stroke: It is a medical emergency. Summon emergency medical support or get the person to a hospital instantly. Postponement can be fatal. It occurs when heat exhaustion is not treated and not reacts to treatment. The symptoms of heat stroke include: hot dry skin, no sweating, bright red or flushed skin; rapid and strong pulse; high body temperature; mood changes such as irritability, confusion, inability to think straight or unresponsive; seizures. Although heat stroke is usually associated with a lack of sweating and hot, dry skin, heat stroke may occur while the skin is moist, especially in those performing physical labor. Treatment is focused on aggressive cooling of the person. Begin cooling even while waiting for help to arrive. Move the person to a cool spot preferably with a fan or air conditioning vent blowing on him. Remove as much clothing as possible and place cold wet clothes or ice all over the body or immerse the person’s clothing with cold water. Keep the outfit or compresses cold. Generally, do not attempt to have the person drink any fluids.

So, after all that…what is the art of living in Dubai for me, it was a mix of patience, perseverance, tolerance and light-heartedness. My best advice is to leave your prejudices and misconceptions at immigration, befriend as many people as you can, and be ready to have the time of your life. If you are having any nice tactics, better than this please do comment. I always miss rainy days of my home country and hot soups for a healthy rainy day,

Easiest way to find a job in Dubai

Numbers of immigrants are visiting Dubai by keeping hope in their heart to have a good job. But don’t know how to start. After all the area is new, people are new so bit of difficulties will be there but follow the below mentioned steps you will definitely find the job.

1. Invest on newspaper. Yes, in newspaper. I know now is the era of digital news and I am saying to follow the newspaper. Sometime ritual habits are helping a lot rather than advanced technology. Checked out classified carefully and pay focus on walking interviews.

2. Advertise yourself though your neighbor and spread a word of mouth with others create a rapport. Taxi driver, bus conductor, walking person, speak to them, they are having more knowledge than you. They will educate you towards Dubai.

3. Create a profile in below mentioned job portals

1. waytogulf.com
2. uaenaukri.com
3. bayt.com
4. uaestaffing.com
5. monstergulf.com
6. gulftalent.com
7. itjobsdubai.com
8. aramex.com
9. etisalat.ae
10. dewa.gov.ae
11. dnata.com
12. dubaicity.olx.ae
13. mycareer.com
14. trasstaffing.com
15. datadubai.com
16. totaljobs.com
17. alarabia.com
18. dubailime.com

All of these sites are having regular vacancy.

4. Don’t forget to create your account in Dubizzle.

If you have any other strategy, I would appreciate you for sharing your knowledge by commenting.

Why TB patient has life ban in Dubai

What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease usually affecting the lungs (pulmonary TB). Other parts of the body can also be affected, for example lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, joints, etc. (extrapulmonary TB).

tb category

Who gets tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis can affect anyone of any age. People with weakened immune systems are at increased risk.

How is tuberculosis spread?

Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person with untreated pulmonary TB coughs or sneezes. Prolonged exposure to a person with untreated TB usually is necessary for infection to occur.

What is the difference between latent tuberculosis infection and tuberculosis disease?

Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) means the person has the TB germ in their body (usually lungs), but has yet to develop obvious symptoms. In latent TB, the person has a significant reaction to the Mantoux skin test with no symptoms of tuberculosis, and no TB organisms found in the sputum. Tuberculosis disease indicates the person has symptoms, a significant reaction to a Mantoux skin test and organisms found in the sputum. In order to spread the TB germs, a person must have TB disease. Having latent TB infection is not enough to spread the germ. Tuberculosis may last for a lifetime as an infection, never developing into disease.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?

The symptoms of TB include a low-grade fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss and a persistent cough. Some people may not have obvious symptoms.
How soon do symptoms appear?

Most people infected with the germ that causes TB never develop active TB. If active TB does develop, it can occur two to three months after infection or years later. The risk of active disease lessens as time passes.

When and for how long is a person able to spread tuberculosis?
A person with TB disease may remain contagious until he/she has been on appropriate treatment for several weeks. However, a person with latent TB infection, but not disease, cannot spread the infection to others, since there are no TB germs in the sputum.

What is the treatment for tuberculosis?

People with latent TB infection should be evaluated for a course of preventive therapy, which usually includes taking anti-tuberculosis medication for several months. People with active TB disease must complete a course of treatment for six months or more. Initial treatment includes at least four anti-TB drugs, and medications may be altered based on laboratory test results. The exact medication plan must be determined by a physician. Directly observed therapy (DOT) programs are recommended for all TB patients to help them complete their therapy.

What can be the effect of not being treated for tuberculosis?

In addition to spreading the disease to others, an untreated person may become severely ill or die.

What can be done to prevent the spread of tuberculosis?

The most important way to stop the spread of tuberculosis is for TB patients to cover the mouth and nose when coughing, and to take all the TB medicine exactly as prescribed by the physician.

What is multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)?

This refers to the ability of some strains of TB to grow and multiply even in the presence of certain drugs which would normally kill them.
What is extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)?

Extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) is a subset of MDR-TB in which the strains of TB bacteria are resistant to several of the best second-line drugs for TB. These strains are very difficult to treat. XDR-TB cases make up approximately 10 percent of MDR-TB cases.

Who gets MDR-TB?

TB patients with drug sensitive disease may develop drug resistant tuberculosis if they fail to take anti-tuberculosis medications as prescribed, as well as TB patients who have been prescribed an ineffective treatment plan. TB cases diseased with MDR-TB can transmit the drug resistant infection to other individuals.

What is the treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis?

For patients with disease due to drug resistant organisms, expert consultation from a specialist in treating drug resistant TB should be obtained. Patienhts with drug resistant disease should be treated with drugs to which their organisms are susceptible. The effectiveness of treatment for latent infection with MDR-TB is uncertain.

What can be done to prevent the spread of MDR-TB?

Ensuring people with MDR-TB take all their medication and teaching patients to cover their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing can reduce the risk of spread of MDR-TB. In addition, directly observed therapy should be used to ensure patients complete the recommended course of therapy.

10 Best Romantic Restaurants At Dubai

1. Pierchic


It is situated at Al Qasr Hotel, Madinat Jumeirah, Open daily 1pm-3.30pm; 7pm-12.30am. (04 366 6730).

Pierchic should to be on every Dubai resident or visitors must visit list. Restaurant has nice atmosphere of sitting on stilts out at sea in front of the sprawling Madinat Jumeirah complex; the walk along the wooden path towards the striking eatery is utterly extraordinary. Pierchic is extremely popular, and at times the wait staff shows the stress, but overall the ambiance is openhearted and buzzing. The menu, thankfully, is not overwhelming in length (though it definitely isn’t cheap), and includes all seafood, from dishes such as crispy organic salmon with parsnip purée to black tiger prawns. In a dessert you will indulge yourself with toffee banana pudding with peanut ice cream and rounds things off with a solid grape and after-dinner drinks list.

Tip: be sure to book ahead of time, and save Pierchic for a special, ideally romantic, occasion.

2. 101


It is located at One&Only The Palm, Palm Jumeirah (04 440 1010), Open daily 12.30pm-3.25pm, 7pm-10.30pm.

101’s committed quay wonder across the pontoon to this starry, waterside spot, located on the outer corners of the Palm Jumeirah. With views across the water, and an eminent sense of laidback and lounge, in icy blue beach tones, 101 manage to be achingly stylish while still decidedly relaxed. The elevated bar vibe continues inside, with a comprehensive and open space, filled with minimal but high design features such as the artfully visible tree trunk tables. Staff has an easy, amiable way about them that adds to the chilled tone. They also exhibit an excellent knowledge of the menu and ability to through offering European and Spanish dishes, offering recipes in a classic Mediterranean style.

3. STAY by Yannick Alléno

stay by yannick alléno
It is residual at One & Only The Palm, Palm Jumeirah, thepalm.oneandonlyresorts.com (04 440 1010), Open Tue-Sun 7pm-11pm.

STAY stands for ‘Simple Table Alléno Yannick’, is an idea created by and named (twice) after French Michelin-starred chef Yannick Alléno, with additional branches of this fine-dining venue in Beijing and Beirut. At the Dubai-based branch, located in the One&Only The Palm, the restaurant is as sophisticatedly lavish as the hotel itself, decked out moodily in black, cream and deep burgundies, with several intimate booths, ideal for a liaison á deux. Refreshingly, the staffs are very well versed in the restaurant’s concept and menu, doing their utmost to impart both to diners, from the outset, adding an extra sense of anticipation to proceedings. And the experience doesn’t disappoint. The menu is grounded in modern French cooking, but inspiration from around the globe. Whether it’s the soya bean risotto, or marinated sturgeon, the food is highly pioneering, but with exemplary finishing, making for an utterly enjoyable dining experience. In the dessert library you will find a complimentary confectionary, dessert platters prepared in front of them by the patisserie chefs.

4. Bateaux Dubai


It is based at Al Seef Road, opposite the British Embassy,www.jaresortshotels.com (04 315 4777), Open daily 8.30pm-11pm daily, boarding starts 7.45pm.

Tourists wandering to the Creek might come across with old-school designed dhows lining pier, but one sleek boat stands out from the rest: the Bateaux Dubai. The floating restaurant is understated but serves up excellent food across a range of contemporary and international cuisines, and does it in style. Designed with glass walls and ceilings, and a classy interior, diners get a view of the Creek not often seen while they go through a well prepared four-course meal – canapés, a starter, main course and dessert. Service is impeccable, with staff members more akin to those in a five-star hotel than a cruise boat on the Creek. Dinner cruises depart at 8.30pm and last two and a half hours. Bateaux Dubai is a treat – serve it up on special occasions and see Dubai in a different light.

5. Karma Kafe


It is operated at Souk Al Bahar, Downtown Dubai, (04 423 0909), Open Sun-Wed 4pm-2am; Fri-Sat noon-2am.

If Culture Club went into the restaurant business, we’d imagine the result to look a little something like Souk Al Bahar’s Karma Kafe. Buddha Bar’s sister restaurant overlooks the Dubai Fountains and is a firm favorite of Dubai hipsters. Its Dubai Fountain-facing outdoor area radiances red, with romantic Oriental-style chandeliers hanging overhead, while indoors is lit up with fuchsia lanterns and colorful bohemian-style cushions. When booking, make sure you request a seat outside; otherwise you might end up in the somewhat dark indoor area, though the colorful decor is a feast for the eyes. Though many dishes aren’t cheap, there are plenty of vegetarian options, such as shitake mushrooms with truffle and ponzu sauce and hand-rolled tamaki veggie rolls. If you love seafood, the mini ceviche tacos with wasabi and guacamole is a dish in itself. Service can be a little uptight, but the place is always busy.

6. Majlis Al Bahar


It is placed at Burj Al Arab, Umm Suqeim (04 301 7600), Open daily noon-midnight.

Grab a golf buggy for the short ride from outside the iconic, ‘seven-star’ sail-shaped hotel down to Majlis Al Bahar, the eatery set at the hotel’s idyllic beach club. Decor is thus a lot modest than inside the rainbow-colored ’90s-daydream of the Burj Al Arab itself: think wide white wooden chairs, orange cushions and white umbrellas. Service is fast, although certainly not as immediate as it is ‘indoors’ and the menu too is more casual. Typical appetizers span marinated burrito and Greek salad, while you can usually pick from tapas, pizzas and platters, as well as barbecued prawns, chicken or steak for your main, followed by more creative dishes (chocolate pizza!) for dessert. This can all be washed down with creative fruity concoctions. All in all, a more relaxed romantic venue, which works best during the slightly warmer months (though not at the height of summer). Request a table right next to or on the beach if you can.

7. Pai Thai


It is at Al Qasr, Madinat Jumeirah, (04 366 6730), Open daily 6.30pm-11.30pm.

As far as locations go, it doesn’t get much better than Pai Thai. The modern eatery is set on the waterways of the Al Qasr hotel, which means diners can access the venue via abra boats or on foot via the entry near Talise Spa. Opt for a seat outdoors on the wooden deck so you can savour the view. The menu is quite substantial and features options not seen on menus anywhere else in Dubai. Once you’ve devoured the shrimp crackers (careful, they’re temptingly moreish!) tuck into the fish cakes, a blend of minced fish and herbs and spices. The deep-fried shrimp and squid money bags are tasty and beautifully presented, each resembling delicately wrapped sweets. The crispy duck with plum sauce and the wok-fried glass noodles with chicken and mixed vegetables make for great main courses, and desserts such as the sticky rice pudding with mango and the more unusual pumpkin in coconut will satisfy sugar fiends.

8. Reflets par Pierre Gagnaire

Reflets par Pierre Gagnaire

It is established at InterContinental Dubai Festival City, Festival City (04 701 1111), Open daily 7pm-11pm.

Reflets par Pierre Gagnaire is the eponymous restaurant from the French Michelin-starred chef and one of the founding forces of the molecular movement of gastronomy. The menu is characterized by delight in the unexpected and a constant element of surprise. From the surrealist touches in the decor (watch out for that narrowing corridor to the bathrooms, and the mirrors inside), to the elegant sense of theatre invoked by exceptional serving staff, Reflets occupies a plain of its own in Dubai. Service is impeccable; performed with a warm tone, an imperceptible anticipation of a diner’s desires and a practiced flourish that increases the wow factor of the food. The menu, which changes regularly in accordance with the French seasons, contains multi-faceted dishes rich in flavor. Expect differences in surface and unusual mixtures of ingredients – although some can require a little benefit of the doubt. Within this feminine setting, the rococo combination of chandeliers and mirrors, in purple tones, creates an intimate and sensual space, ideal for the sorts of occasions, where memories are made.

9. Rhodes Mezzanine

Rhodes Mezzanine

It is located at Grosvenor House Dubai, Dubai Marina, (04 399 8888), Open Mon-Sat 7pm-11.30pm.

One of multiple restaurants in the city from British celebrity chef Gary Rhodes, Rhodes Mezzanine specialises in twisting traditional concepts of British cooking into a fine dining, French-influenced update. The setting is elegant, yet fresh and lively, decked out in icy white, with vibrant colour accents in pinks, greens and purples. From the floral tones, the walls (that look like they’ve been upholstered in leather) and the cosy dining chairs, Rhodes Mezzanine feels a little like a living room, but one that is worthy of an interiors magazine. The distinctly feminine feel and intimacy of this space also adds a touch of romance to the setting. The menu is creative and remarkably well-conceived, offering simple, rustic specials like oxtail stew and bread and butter pudding with a heavy dose of fine French technique and presentation, to make for really special dishes. Service on the whole is good, although communication can be an issue at times, and it’s not quite as noteworthy as the setting or the food itself.

10. Thiptara


It is flourishing at The Palace Downtown Dubai, (04 428 7888), Open daily 7pm –11pm.

Step out onto the al-fresco decking of this wooden-style restaurant supervising the Dubai Fountains and you’ll feel as if you’re being treated to a private meal from your very own holiday bungalow. Surrounded by water, dim lighting ensures that the fountains are the focal point, and the jets literally light up all vantage points like glowing harp strings. The food is pretty special too. This is the type of establishment that prides itself on the little things, like a basket of crunchy deep-fried wantons instead of the stock standard prawn crackers. This is something you might want to remember, especially if you plan on ordering a similar starter, such as the crispy spring rolls with minced chicken, mushroom and sweet chili sauce, which are not over or under-stuffed with filling. The mains are quite traditional, think green curry with chicken and beef tenderloin. Desserts, however, steal the show: opt for the chocolate spring rolls, which, when cut into, ooze runny chocolate sauce. And they’re paired with a tart lemon sorbet.

Top 10 Dubai Souks/Souqs

Souks are known as Arabic Markets, are one of Dubai’s greatest attractions. You will find all kinds of goods are bought sold and exchanged in this traditional market. Habitually, dhows from the far China, India, and East were discharging their cargo’s to the coast. Most of the souks are residual near to the corniche. As a time passed sailing items have been changed from spices, silks and perfumes to contain electronic good and the latest common consumer trends.

The countless of souks are to be found on both arrays of the Creek, but principally in Deira. It’s worth discovering both sides. Wandering around the atmospheric souks is a good way for visitors to get in touch with how life was in Dubai, before oil was discovered. The best part is the vibrant Spice Market, which flourishes with bizarre aromas and activities with residents pursuing good deal. You can cross among the two banks of Creek in about ten minutes by the help of Abras (small wooden dhows) which line of to the Creek side by costing 1AED only. Alternatively, most taxi drivers identify where to drive if you inquire for a precise souk and the tariffs are sensible. If you have the time, why not courageous the public transport. Number of buses is running frequently throughout the day and visits all of the souks, by both sides of the Creek.

Top Ten Dubai Souks

‘Souk’ or ‘souq’ is the Arabic term, it attributes for the market or place where any kind of goods are brought or bartered. Dubai souks are bright, colorful, noisy and fascinating like any other market place.

1. The Gold Souk


World famous Gold Souk is Dubai’s Gold Souk, where narrow streets are lined with shop windows glinting with ornaments made in 22 and 24 carat gold. Along the slightly larger lanes of the gold souk, each shop window is crammed with gold necklaces, rings, bangles, earrings and brooches. On display in one of the shops is the World’s Largest Gold Ring, certificated from the Guinness Book of World Records. Designs can be traditional or modern, bold or conservative, loud or sober, sturdy or delicate. Along with designs, you will find many different shades of gold like pink, white, yellow or green hues in one piece. Dubai Gold Souk is worth a visit even if you have no intention of buying. It would be hard to resist the temptation to buy them. Haggling about the price is like a tradition. Take your time and plan 2 to 3 hours for your visit. The best time is the late afternoon. Usually, the shops are open until 10:00 pm. The initial unsure in bargaining gets lost pretty quickly, and you will really enjoy “haggling” about your favorite piece.

Gold Souk is located near the Dubai Creek in Al Ras area of Deira. You can reach it with public buses, metro, taxi or water taxi (from Bur Dubai). We don’t recommend to go by car as the area is very crowded and to find a parking could be difficult.

2. Spice Souk


The spice souk is settled just succeeding to the gold souk. The flashy war of spices and their heady smell is tantalizing. You cannot get over the incredible identify of spices that are purchasable. Here you faculty hears spices of all varieties: cardamom, bark, yellow, turmeric, Chile, curry, cloves and lots writer. And that’s not all; you leave also conclude basmati lyricist, dates, dry fruits and nuts of endless varieties, divergent sets of tee, Shisha, enticing perfumes, pottery as rise as baskets. As you move on from one store to another, you leave be enclosed by these sensory delights. The spices are brought from the Midriff Eastern part as fine as from around other

3. Perfume Souk

The Perfume Souk is the name assumed to the assortment of scent shops on Sikkat Al Khail Road, Deira, just east of the Gold Souk.

Thousands of diverse sweet fragrances will invite you in the Perfume Souk of Dubai. Here you will find yourself abandoned while determining which fragrance to buy. If you will find it difficult, keen and hasty shopkeepers will certainly assist you out in picking one. Aromas here series from customary Arabic Ittars to latest perfumes all under same roof. Perfumes are also offered in shopping malls but perfume souk is the best place to choose between a wide variety.

In addition to perfumes, you can also bargain incense at the Dubai perfume souk. They are traded in the form of sticks, powder, crystal, rock and wood. Arabian perfumes are oil founded and they have a tendency to leave a pigment when sprayed on clothes. So be careful and make sure you don’t do so. The perfumes are well priced and you can buy a few bottles if you know how to negotiate.

Frankincense is the most widespread incense and is obtainable in every store at the Dubai perfume souk. Respire in the perfumed constructions and imbibe within you their traditional implications charm.

4. Old Souk/Textile Souk

old souk

The Old Souk or Textile Souk is situated over the Creek in Bur Dubai. The bazaar involves of a long line of renovated sand-colored pebble buildings, covered by a wooden roof in one area, and topped with gorgeous wind towers. The multitude of trivial shops here offers a massive range of fabrics (cashmere, silk, cotton, wool etc.) plus garments, slippers, souvenirs, and other merchandise. The Textile Souk can be reached from Deira (Gold Souk, Spice Souk, Perfume Souk) by crossing the water on Abra or water taxi. Otherwise travel by Metro on the Green Line and land at Al Ghubaiba Metro Station or Al Fahidi Metro Station. The Bastakia Quarter and Dubai Museum are close and well worth a visit while in the area. It is also recognized as Cosmo Souk… Just to make things more complex 🙂

5. Meena Bazaar

Dubai is well-known for its great intercultural community living together in peace. After the Arabic locals, Indian minority is the biggest in Dubai and Indians have always played the most important role in the business life of Dubai. Therefore Dubai has several Indian areas.Meena Bazaar is a hub for Indian where they can get just anything coming from their motherland. The most significant goods include traditional Indian jewelry and wedding jewelry, watches, Indian textiles, Indian equipment and accessories or Indian spices. Of course, these are only some of the dozens of goods that are sold in Meena Bazaar, which, together with its area will actually make you feel as if you were in India.

You can also get to grasp two Hindu temples in the Meena area: one is devoted to Shiva and the other to Krishna Gods. Meena Bazaar is situated in Bur Dubai, next to Al Bastakiya area.

6. The Friday Market

friday market dubai

You have to go a little bit further for this one but the drive is lovely- the Friday Market is held in Masafi- yes where the water comes from- and it is located on the East Coast Road between Dhaid and Masafi. Traditionally it was a Friday souk for dealers in the less inhabited areas but the roadside market has now become a preferred stopping place for tourists and is on all week now not just Fridays. It is a row of stalls on either side of the road that sell all sorts of things from carpets to pottery, fruit and veg, carpets and rugs, inflatable, household pots and pans. A trip there is more for the experience really and you may pick up some plants and pots as they are miles lower-priced than in Dubai and some fresh bananas from Salalah. There are slight touristy workshops too. To get there from Dubai head up the Emirates Road Sharjah direction and once past Sharjah look out for a sign saying the East Coast region

7. Fruit & Vegetable Souk

Fruit  Vegetable  market

The fruit and vegetable market is constructed in Ras Al Khor off the Emirates Here you will find stands with all fresh crop mainly sold in wholesale but you can buy smaller measures too. There are some great savings to be had equaled to prices in the supermarkets and extensive range of choice. The market has been renovated and most stalls are now under sheltered areas. You can hire men with trolleys who will assist you carry your stuffs around the market until you have finished shopping and help you to your car. Certainly worth a visit and purse friendly too!

8. Naif Souk

Naif Souk is located in the old Deira district of Dubai. This souk is amongst the oldest souks of Dubai and in days gone by it served camel sellers as a camel market and from that, it has developed into a full-fledged marketplace. Today, the rebuilt Naif Souk expects its visitors with more than a hundred shops and air-conditioned climate. The souk is well-known for its souvenirs, watches, jewelry, leather, handbags and textiles.

9. Karama Market

Love it or hate Karama is one of Dubai’s most popular souk areas- largely due to its “real fakes” available- here you will find everything from bags, shoes, DVDs, watches, jewelry and everything in between! It has recently had a facelift and there are many more shops selling tourist items and souvenirs and at a fraction of the cost in the malls so it really is a great place for gift shopping and to take your tourist friends too. Prepare to be jumped upon by sellers and also prepare to haggle! Tell them you are a resident to get the best prices. It is not what you would expect a market to look like as it is a warren of alleyways with proper indoor small shops. Make sure you keep an eye on your bearings it’s easy to get confused- it is open all day and till late in the sundown although a few shops close in the afternoon during the week. This is a definite trip to make sure you have lots of water with you, flat shoes and a tight grip on your purse- you will want to splurge!

10. Modern Souks

Souk Madinat at Jumeirah, Souk Al Bahar at Downtown Dubai and Khan Murjan at Dubai Wafi City), are a few of the more modern Dubai Souks. These souks are vibrant and a mixture of then and now. These places inspire the works of local artists and bring back the magic of the Middle East.

Roadside Stalls

As you explore and drive around the Emirates you will no doubt see little stalls scattered throughout the Northern Emirates by the side of the road selling carpets, fresh produce, charcoal, firewood, pottery, household goods, melons, candy floss and inflatable toys! Most provide excellent value for money and their produce is normally fresh and good quality. Most are worth a look and offer visitors and tourists a friendly experience- give them a try! And if you liked my blog please leave your comment for my better enhancement for the new blogs about Dubai.


It is a visa issued to family members to obtain a multi-entry tourist visa for a period of (5 years) and allows the beneficiary to stay in the country for a continuous period not exceeding (90) days and may be expanded to a period not exceeding 180 days during the year.

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What is Technology Singularity

What is the technology singularity?

The technological singularity—also, simply, the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.

Supercomputers To Superintelligence

The truth is that very few thought, in those olden days of yore, that technologies like supercomputers, wireless network or artificial intelligence will make their way to the general public in the future. Even those who figured that these technologies will become cheaper and more widespread, failed in imagining the uses they will be put to, and how they will change society.

History is full of cases in which a new and groundbreaking technology, or a collection of such technologies, completely changes people’s lives. The change is often so dramatic that people who’ve lived before the technological leap have a very hard time understanding how the subsequent generations think. To the people before the change, the new generation may as well be aliens in their way of thinking and seeing the world.

These kinds of dramatic shifts in thinking are called Singularity – a phrase that is originally derived from mathematics and describes a point which we are incapable of deciphering its exact properties. It’s that place where the equations basically go nuts and make no sense any longer.

The singularity has risen to fame in the last two decades largely because of two thinkers. “Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.”

In the year 2045 we will experience the greatest technological singularity in the history of mankind: the kind that could, in just a few years, overturn the institutes and pillars of society and completely change the way we view ourselves as human beings. Just like that we’ll get to the Singularity by creating a super-human artificial intelligence (AI). An AI of that level could conceive of ideas that no human being has thought about in the past, and will invent technological tools that will be more sophisticated and advanced than anything we have today.

Since one of the roles of this AI would be to improve itself and perform better, it seems pretty obvious that once we have a super-intelligent AI, it will be able to create a better version of itself. And guess what the new generation of AI would then do? That’s right – improve itself even further. This kind of a race would lead to an intelligence explosion and will leave old poor us – simple, biological machines that we are – far behind.

Population Of Einsteins

If this notion scares you, you’re in good company. A few of the most widely regarded scientists, thinkers and inventors, like Steven Hawking and Elon Musk, have already expressed their concerns that super-intelligent AI could escape our control and move against us. Others focus on the great opportunities that such a singularity holds for us. They believe that a super-intelligent AI, if kept on a tight leash, could analyze and expose many of the wonders of the world for us. Einstein, after all, was a remarkable genius who has revolutionized our understanding of physics. Well, how would the world change if we enjoyed tens, hundreds and millions ‘Einsteins’ that could’ve analyzed every problem and find a solution for it?

Similarly, how would things look like if each of us could enjoy his very own “Doctor House”, that constantly analyzed his medical state and provided ongoing recommendations? And which new ideas and revelations would those super-intelligences come up with, when they go over humanity’s history and holy books?

Already we see how AI is starting to change the ways in which we think about ourselves. The computer “Deep Blue” managed to beat Gary Kasparov in chess in 1997. Today, after nearly twenty years of further development, human chess masters can no longer beat on their own even an AI running on a laptop computer. But after his defeat, Kasparov has created a new kind of chess contests: ones in which humanoid and computerized players collaborate, and together reach greater successes and accomplishments than each would’ve gotten on their own. In this sort of a collaboration, the computer provides rapid computations of possible moves, and suggests several to the human player. Its human compatriot needs to pick the best option, to understand their opponents and to throw them off balance.

Together, the two create a centaur: a mythical creature that combines the best traits of two different species. We see, then that AI has already forced chess players to reconsider their humanity and their game.

In the next few decades we can expect a similar singularity to occur in many other games, professions and other fields that were previously conserved for human beings only. Some humans will struggle against the AI. Others will ignore it. Both these approaches will prove disastrous, since when the AI will become capable than human beings, both the strugglers and the ignorant will remain behind. Others will realize that the only way to success lies in collaboration with the computers. They will help computers learn and will direct their growth and learning. Those people will be the centaurs of the future. And this realization – that man can no longer rely only on himself and his brain, but instead must collaborate and unite with sophisticated computers to beat tomorrow’s challenges – well, isn’t that a singularity all by itself?

Women in the bettlefeild

Whether women should be allowed to serve in the military has triggered spirited debate. Some assert that the status quo should be changed and women should be entitled to join the armed forces. Personally, I fundamentally agree with their assertion-for three reasons.

History has shown that women are fully capable of performing well in the military. Historically, there were a host of valiant women soldiers whose achievements really put their male counterparts to shame. One need only look at the classic examples of Jansi Ki Rani to see how exceptionally women could perform on the battlefield. In my observation, their determination, courage and dignity, to this day, are still being admired by male soldiers and civilians alike throughout the world.

Moreover, from an enlightened standpoint, female patriots should be granted the right to go to the front line when their motherland is involved in a war. Admittedly, gender inequality was a highly controversial issue in the twentieth century.

However, now twelve years into the new millennium, women can learn and teach, work and supervise, vote and voted in most countries just like men. In light of this sweeping progress in gender equality, there is no sense in denying them the right to defend their home country when a war breaks out.

In sum, keeping military services out of bounds of women in the information age is unwarranted. I have been convinced that it is in the best interest of a nation if women are also granted equal rights in this particular arena.

Quarantine to prevent Corona

What is Quarantine

A quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis.

For people who have been released from quarantine

Being separated from others if a healthcare provider thinks you may have been exposed to COVID-19 can be stressful, even if you do not get sick. Everyone feels differently after coming out of quarantine. Some feelings include:

  • Mixed emotions, including relief after quarantine
  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • Stress from the experience of monitoring yourself or being monitored by others for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
  • Sadness, anger, or frustration because friends or loved ones have unfounded fears of contracting the disease from contact with you, even though you have been determined not to be contagious
  • Guilt about not being able to perform normal work or parenting duties during quarantine
  • Other emotional or mental health changes

Children may also feel upset or have other strong emotions if they, or someone they know, has been released from quarantine. You can help your child cope.

Reduce stress in yourself and others during pandemic corona virus

Sharing the facts about COVID-19 and understanding the actual risk to yourself and people you care about can make an outbreak less stressful. When you share accurate information about COVID-19 you can help make people feel less stressed and allow you to connect with them. Learn more about taking care of your emotional health.

For parents

Children and teens react, in part, on what they see from the adults around them. When parents and caregivers deal with the COVID-19 calmly and confidently, they can provide the best support for their children. Parents can be more reassuring to others around them, especially children, if they are better prepared. Not all children and teens respond to stress in the same way. Some common changes to watch for include

  • Excessive crying or irritation in younger children
  • Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (for example, toileting accidents or bedwetting)
  • Excessive worry or sadness
  • Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits
  • Irritability and “acting out” behaviors in teens
  • Poor school performance or avoiding school
  • Difficulty with attention and concentration
  • Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past
  • Unexplained headaches or body pain
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

There are many things you can do to support your child

  • Take time to talk with your child or teen about the COVID-19 outbreak. Answer questions and share facts about COVID-19 in a way that your child or teen can understand.
  • Reassure your child or teen that they are safe. Let them know it is ok if they feel upset. Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you.
  • Limit your family’s exposure to news coverage of the event, including social media. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand.
  • Try to keep up with regular routines. If schools are closed, create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities.
  • Be a role model.  Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Connect with your friends and family members.

Learn more about helping children cope.

For responders

Responding to COVID-19 can take an emotional toll on you. There are things you can do to reduce secondary traumatic stress (STS) reactions:

  • Acknowledge that STS can impact anyone helping families after a traumatic event.
  • Learn the symptoms including physical (fatigue, illness) and mental (fear, withdrawal, guilt).
  • Allow time for you and your family to recover from responding to the pandemic.
  • Create a menu of personal self-care activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with friends and family, exercising, or reading a book.
  • Take a break from media coverage of COVID-19.
  • Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or concerned that COVID-19 is affecting your ability to care for your family and patients as you did before the outbreak.

Learn more tips for taking care of yourself during emergency response.

Corona Stress and Coping with it

The outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.  How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in.

People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include

  • Older people and people with chronic diseases who are at higher risk for COVID-19
  • Children and teens
  • People who are helping with the response to COVID-19, like doctors and other health care providers, or first responders
  • People who have mental health conditions including problems with substance use

Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include

  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

People with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms.

Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger.

Things you can do to support yourself

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.
  • Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate external icon. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs external icon.
  • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
  • Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

Call your healthcare provider if stress gets in the way of your daily activities for several days in a row.

5. things you should know about CORONA

1. What is Corona Virus?

Corona viruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause disease. A newly identified type has caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness now called COVID-19.

2. How did this new corona virus spread to humans?

COVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, a city in China, in December 2019. Although health officials are still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early hypotheses thought it may be linked to a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Some people who visited the market developed viral pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. A study that came out on Jan. 25, 2020, notes that the individual with the first reported case became ill on Dec. 1, 2019, and had no link to the seafood market. Investigations are ongoing as to how this virus originated and spread. 

3. How is COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 can be passed from person to person through droplets from coughs and sneezes. COVID-19 has been detected in people all over the world, and is considered a pandemic.

The virus that causes COVID-19 probably emerged from an animal source, but is now spreading from person to person. The virus is thought to spread mainly between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected
person coughs or sneezes. It also may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

The spread of this new corona virus is being monitored by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization.

4. What is the incubation period for COVID-19?

It appears that symptoms are showing up in people within 14 days of exposure to the virus.

5. What are symptoms of COVID-19?

COVID-19 symptoms include:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

In rare cases, COVID-19 can lead to severe respiratory problems, kidney failure and death too.

If you have a fever or any kind of respiratory difficulty such as coughing or shortness of breath, call your doctor or a health care provider and explain your symptoms over the phone before going to the doctor’s office, urgent care facility or emergency room. Here are suggestions if you feel sick and are concerned you might have COVID-19.

Qualities As A Female Leader

Being a successful women in this era is a very difficult but hardworking and luck will make it easy to chase it faster. Luck is less about good things randomly happening to people who happened to be in the right place at the right time than it is about perseverance, dedication and the ability to show up at 100 wrong places before you get that “lucky” break.
So what are the essential characteristics of women leaders? I had google enough to came up with below skills:

1. Perseverance

As a leader, you are going to come across challenges, and sometimes things won’t go according to plan. Sabina Gault, founder of Konnect PR, understands that it’s how you push through those challenges that make you a leader. “Women leaders need persistence, perseverance and the ability to not take “no” for an answer,” says Gault.
This attitude, in turn, can inspire others in your organization to step up. “If you leave the office at 4 p.m. and expect your team to stay there till 9 p.m. — you’re kidding yourself,” says Gault. “However if you are first in, last out, always hard-working and always pushing for more, your team will do the same and you will earn their respect as a leader.”

2. A Nurturing Spirit

“In the past women have been condemned for being ‘soft’ or being ‘nurturers'”, saysDawniel Winningham, a performance coach, motivational speaker and best-selling author who works with emerging women leaders across the country. “I think our nurturing spirit is often confused with being lackadaisical or an inability to hold people accountable which is not the case. I think being a nurturer, having a sense of being fair and just, and use of our women’s intuition are some of our strongest traits.”

3. Confidence

For Mallary Tytel, President of Healthy Workplaces, one of the defining characteristics of leadership is confidence — having an “unconditional belief in your own abilities.” Having confidence isn’t about bragging or being a show-off, but about not undermining your abilities and creating a culture that values your input.

Mallary believes women can learn to cultivate confidence in their own abilities by actively seeking out and responding to feedback, “tooting your own horn,” taking on tough assignments and excelling at them, maintaining successful relationships and developing expertise that sets you apart.

4. Giving Back

Lori Freemire is a marketing entrepreneur who actively supports several charities, including the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, SME, Hispanic foundations, library and college foundations. She believes it’s important for female leaders to look for ways to give back to their community.

“Be generous and help others without looking to be reciprocated,” says Freemire. “Be trustworthy and trusting; always be willing to learn about yourself and others; look for ways to work with people, not against them. And above all, listen and over-communicate.”

5. Education

Throughout human history, it’s never been easier for women in Western society to obtain education. Colleges offer undergraduate and postgraduate programs in a variety of subjects, and basic skills such as public speaking, networking, computer literacy and business writing can be learned through professional development courses and community programs. Scholarships and career advancement programs aimed at women help to ensure future women leaders have the opportunity to obtain an education.

But education encompasses more than just a college degree. Female leaders should seek out those more experienced in their field, and learn from them. Mentors and coaches can help a future leader push ahead, learn what works, and avoid potential pitfalls. As Winningham points out, having a coach or mentor also helps women to make connections they would not normally be able to make.

Winningham says that having a mentor or coach is vital to her success, and wishes she’d embraced the use of a coach much sooner. “Had I had the benefit of a private coach much sooner, I would have reached the finish line even faster. A coach has a vested interest in getting you to the finish line sooner rather than later, with a structured approach to not only helping you learn, but holding you accountable for the application of those lessons.”

6. Balance and Understanding Your Own Needs

When asked what she would tell her younger-self if she could go back in time, Shannon Sennefelder — owner of the Foundational Leadership Institute — said she would tell herself to take better care of her health. “That’s a huge one. Had I really understood the value of self care earlier, I would have done things a lot differently.”

One of the things many don’t, but good leaders understand is how important it is to achieve balance in their lives and take care of themselves. Sennefelder says, “Women in general have a belief that self care is selfish! Nope! It is like breathing — vital to our survival.”

7. Vision

A good leader needs to not only be an expert in their industry, but to see the bigger picture, and understand their role in the wider world. They need to believe that change is possible and worthwhile, and be able to convey that message to others in a way that has meaning. This quality is best summed up by one word — vision. A leader with vision is a leader who can see the path ahead and inspires others to help them turn a dream into a reality.

Patti Johnson is the founder and CEO of PeopleResults, a human resource consulting firm. She agrees that the most important element of a leader is having a vision of the future. “I think the best qualities in (women) leaders are that they inspire trust, they can paint a picture of the future and they can lead others through change,” says Johnson.

“We can create these qualities in women by getting them into the right jobs, giving them access to mentors and coaches who can accelerate their progress and encourage them to take ownership for their own career. No one can do it for you.”
The qualities that make a good leader don’t vary between men and women. After all, it’s the person, not the gender that determines a leader. And although women are only just catching up to men in terms of leadership roles, their unique experiences and supportive natures make them more than capable of leading the future.

Setting up advanced deposits from customers and gift cards in QuickBooks

How to correctly set up advanced deposits from customers and gift cards as a current liability within QuickBooks, enhancing accurate bookkeeping.

Detailed instructions.

Advanced deposits are money a customer has given to the business in advance for a service that has yet to be billed, completed or services rendered.

The money is a liability to the company and act as a promise from the company to the customer to perform the services the deposit is made on.

VERY IMPORTANT: *Please do not make credit memos for advanced deposits. To correctly set up an advanced deposit environment in QuickBooks please follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up an Other Current Liability Account
1. From the List menu, select Chart of Accounts.
2. Click the Account button and select New.
3. Select Other Account Types at the bottom, click on the drop down and select Other Current Liability.
4. Click Continue.
5. In the Account Name enter a name for the account. (Example Advanced Deposits or Gift Certificates.)
6. Click Save & Close.

Step 2: Set up the in and out items for Advanced Deposit/Gift Certificate
1. From the List menu, select Item list.
2. Click the Item button and select New.
3. In the Type field drop down select Other Charge.
4. Enter a name for the item. (Example Advanced Deposit in or Gift Certificate Purchase.)
5. In the Account field, click on the drop down and select the Other Current Liability Account setup in Step 1.
6. Click Next.

Step 3: Setup a Discount Item (Advanced Deposit Out/Gift Certificate Redeem)
1. From the List menu, select Item list.
2. Click the Item button and select New.
3. In the Type field drop down select Discount.
4. Enter a name for the item. (Example Advanced Deposit Out or Gift Certificate Redeem.)
5. In the Account field, click on the drop down and select the Other Current Liability Account setup in Step 1.
6. Click Next.
7. Click OK.

Step 3: Record the Deposit
1. From the Customers menu, select Enter Sales Receipts.
2. In the Customer: Job field, click on the drop down and select the Customer name.
3. In the Item field of the Sales Receipt, select Advance Deposit In or Gift Certificate Purchase.
4. Enter an amount in the Rate column.
5. Click Save & Close.
Note: It is important to utilize the Enter Sales Receipt function when dealing with advanced deposits and gift certificate purchases.

Step 4: Create the Invoice and apply the deposit.
1. From the Customers menu, select Create Invoice.
2. In the Customer: Job field, click on the drop down and select the Customer:Job.
3. In the Item field on the Invoice, click on the drop down and select an item to invoice the Customer:Job.
4. In the next line on the Invoice, click on the drop down and select the item setup in Step 3.
5. Enter an amount in the Rate column as a negative.
6. Click Save & Close.

Once the actual sales occurs and you want to apply the prepayment, do the invoice (or sales receipt) like normal for the full charges, then add the prepayment item for a negative amount to be applied and the amount owed on the invoice will be correct.
If this solution does not resolve the issue, you can read discussions and post messages and questions relating to your issue on the Intuit QuickBooks Community site. You can also review other available QuickBooks support options for additional guidance.

Your opinion counts! Please use the voting and feedback buttons to help us build a better Knowledge Base.

Your health is in your hand

Most of them are worth to try and it is working.

100 Simple health tips to follow123

1. Walk for 30 minutes daily.
2. Eat a piece of fruit daily.
3. Eat whole foods instead of processed foods whenever possible.
4. Reject foods and drinks made of artificial colors or sweetener.
5. Start each lunch/dinner with salad.
6. Give your partner a hug every day before work.
7. Take a deep belly breath for three to five minutes twice a day.
8. Smell the scent of lavender to relax and sleep well.
9. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed.
10. Drink plenty of water.
11. Get 10-15 minutes of sunlight and fresh air daily.
12. Jog.
13. Run in place.
14. Have a greater variety of food. Variety means no excess of anything and more nutrients. Eat three different foods at every meal.
15. Eat slowly.
16. Have snacks between meals.
17. Watch comedy and add humor to your life.
18. Never skip breakfast.
19. Try to have seven hours of sleep at night.
20. Have a fixed bed time, preferably at 10:00 pm.
21. Increase your fiber intake.
22. Eat foods with bright rich colors.
23. Join a Yoga class.
24. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people.
25. Know that healthy food tastes great later.
26. Drink green tea twice a day.
27. Exercise till you sweat once a week.
28. Save a one year’s worth of living expenses to eliminate the money stress.
29. Have as much sex as possible … At least twice a week.
30. Do pull-ups and push-ups for 30 minutes twice a week.
31. Eat a handful of nuts 30 minutes before a meal.
32. Step on a treadmill.
33. Learn to cook and gain control of what goes into your meals … and save money!
34. Take a Vitamin D rich supplement.
35. Chew food thoroughly.
36. Avoid cold drinks with meals.
37. Take ginger.
38. Cut down sugar.
39. Don’t over-eat!
40. Don’t eat 3 hours before going to bed.
41. Fast.
42. Sit in silence for 10 minutes each day.
43. Play games.
44. Read good books.
45. Pray.
46. Meditate.
47. Don’t compare yourself to others.
48. Do work that you are passionate about.
49. Quit a job you hate.
50. Keep in touch with your family.
51. Do something good to one person everyday.
52. Don’t drink coffee twice a day.
53. When you feel tired, REST.
54. If you’re stressed, don’t try to manage it. Instead, take time off and relax.
55. Laugh out loud.
56. Quit smoking by smoking one less cigarette every week.
57. Walk in nature barefoot.
58. Spend time with friends.
59. Start a gratitude journal. Record one thing you’re grateful for everyday.
60. Ride a bike for fun or cycle to work a few times a week.
61. Read 8 Weeks To Optimum Health by Dr. Weil.
62. Wash hands with soap.
63. Avoid passive smoking.
64. Ask for help when you need it.
65. Eat calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese and green leafy vegetables.
66. Don’t sit for a prolonged time. Stand up and stretch.
67. Wash your eyes and face regularly.
68. Sing.
69. Dance.
70. Swim regularly in open air.
71. Take the stairs. No elevators. No escalators.
72. Remain faithful to one sexual partner to avoid AIDS.
73. Travel more often.
74. Wear high quality comfortable shoes.
75. Eat until you’re 80% full.
76. Cook meals with curry powder.
77. Take a 15-30 minutes nap.
78. Eat dark chocolate.
79. Eat wild salmon at least once a week (Omega-3 rich).
80. Forgive someone.
81. Call an old friend.
82. Eat oranges.
83. Sometimes, you need to say no for the sake of your health.
84. Take care of your teeth. Floss and brush your teeth twice a day at least.
85. Take honey to build up your immunity system.
86. Don’t sleep right after having a meal.
87. Don’t sleep when you’re emotionally upset.
88. Begin a garden.
89. Build your self confidence.
90. Don’t over-spend your money.
91. Volunteer in a good cause.
92. Do some strength training twice a week.
93. Eat one or two fish meals per week.
94. Find your passion and purpose in life.
95. Consider massage.
96. Don’t solve your emotional problems by eating more.
97. A garlic a day!
98. Cut back on salt.
99. Avoid negative people.
100. Herbs, herbs, herbs.

Dubai And It’s Racial Discrimination

Dubai is a modern city that welcomes visitors from around the world. However, as it is also a Muslim city, there are certain factors to take into consideration in terms of dress code and behavior.

After winning Expo 2020, Dubai grab an attention all over the world and with in a small period of time it captured many industries’ attention too. Dubai has very culturally diverse nature of the workforce. Isn’t unusual to find that the office is an excellent breeding ground for such biases. These attitudes through the ‘confirmation bias’, in that employees tend to view one another through their own limited experiences and understandings of a particular culture. UAE workforce is plagued by a confirmation bias when it comes to racial stereotyping—but thinks it’s plain old ugly racial discrimination

stopRacismPosters_DSC_2916I have related the very obvious racial bias particularly apparent when one is looking out for a job in this region; it isn’t uncommon for companies to include a preference for a particular nationality as part of the job description. “American, British, Westerners ONLY” may read the description (just a few words short of blonde, blue eyed, with a history of colonization, if you wanted to be a tad less subtle). Or the ad may go a different route, “Arab speakers, preferably Lebanese.”

Stop-Racism-11-copy1Biases and, indeed, racial biases are unavoidable within any company. If you work in the UAE, you’d be well aware of the racial potholes that litter the workplace. i.e. “So if, in my culture, a person is not forthcoming, it is a sign of deception or dishonesty and the confirmation bias comes into play. The next step is I’m going to look for ideas to confirm that idea and I may find things, but it may not be real”

Is there a real problem in luring Dubai ?

The ugly side of DUBAI.

There are three different Dubais, all swirling around each other. There are the expats, there are the Emiratis, headed by Sheikh Mohammed; and then there is the foreign underclass who built the city, and are trapped here. They are hidden in plain view. You see them everywhere, in dirt-caked blue uniforms, being shouted at by their superiors, like a chain gang – but you are trained not to look. It is like a mantra: the Sheikh built the city. The Sheikh built the city. Workers? What workers?

Every evening, the hundreds of thousands of young men who build Dubai are bussed from their sites to a vast concrete wasteland an hour out of town, where they are quarantined away. Until a few years ago they were shuttled back and forth on cattle trucks, but the expats complained this was unsightly, so now they are shunted on small metal buses that function like greenhouses in the desert heat. They sweat like sponges being slowly wrung out.

Sonapur is a rubble-strewn patchwork of miles and miles of identical concrete buildings. Some 300,000 men live piled up here, in a place whose name in Hindi means “City of Gold”. In the first camp I stop at – riven with the smell of sewage and sweat – the men huddle around, eager to tell someone, anyone, what is happening to them.

Sahinal Monir, a slim 24-year-old from the deltas of Bangladesh. “To get you here, they tell you Dubai is heaven. Then you get here and realise it is hell,” he says. Four years ago, an employment agent arrived in Sahinal’s village in Southern Bangladesh. He told the men of the village that there was a place where they could earn 40,000 takka a month (£400) just for working nine-to-five on construction projects. It was a place where they would be given great accommodation, great food, and treated well. All they had to do was pay an up-front fee of 220,000 takka (£2,300) for the work visa – a fee they’d pay off in the first six months, easy. So Sahinal sold his family land, and took out a loan from the local lender, to head to this paradise.

As soon as he arrived at Dubai airport, his passport was taken from him by his construction company. He has not seen it since. He was told brusquely that from now on he would be working 14-hour days in the desert heat – where western tourists are advised not to stay outside for even five minutes in summer, when it hits 55 degrees – for 500 dirhams a month (£90), less than a quarter of the wage he was promised. If you don’t like it, the company told him, go home. “But how can I go home? You have my passport, and I have no money for the ticket,” he said. “Well, then you’d better get to work,” they replied.

Sahinal was in a panic. His family back home – his son, daughter, wife and parents – were waiting for money, excited that their boy had finally made it. But he was going to have to work for more than two years just to pay for the cost of getting here – and all to earn less than he did in Bangladesh.

He shows me his room. It is a tiny, poky, concrete cell with triple-decker bunk-beds, where he lives with 11 other men. All his belongings are piled onto his bunk: three shirts, a spare pair of trousers, and a cellphone. The room stinks, because the lavatories in the corner of the camp – holes in the ground – are backed up with excrement and clouds of black flies. There is no air conditioning or fans, so the heat is “unbearable. You cannot sleep. All you do is sweat and scratch all night.” At the height of summer, people sleep on the floor, on the roof, anywhere where they can pray for a moment of breeze.

The water delivered to the camp in huge white containers isn’t properly desalinated: it tastes of salt. “It makes us sick, but we have nothing else to drink,” he says.

The work is “the worst in the world,” he says. “You have to carry 50kg bricks and blocks of cement in the worst heat imaginable … This heat – it is like nothing else. You sweat so much you can’t pee, not for days or weeks. It’s like all the liquid comes out through your skin and you stink. You become dizzy and sick but you aren’t allowed to stop, except for an hour in the afternoon. You know if you drop anything or slip, you could die. If you take time off sick, your wages are docked, and you are trapped here even longer.”

He is currently working on the 67th floor of a shiny new tower, where he builds upwards, into the sky, into the heat. He doesn’t know its name. In his four years here, he has never seen the Dubai of tourist-fame, except as he constructs it floor-by-floor.

Is he angry? He is quiet for a long time. “Here, nobody shows their anger. You can’t. You get put in jail for a long time, then deported.” Last year, some workers went on strike after they were not given their wages for four months. The Dubai police surrounded their camps with razor-wire and water-cannons and blasted them out and back to work.

The “ringleaders” were imprisoned. I try a different question: does Sohinal regret coming? All the men look down, awkwardly. “How can we think about that? We are trapped. If we start to think about regrets…” He lets the sentence trail off. Eventually, another worker breaks the silence by adding: “I miss my country, my family and my land. We can grow food in Bangladesh. Here, nothing grows. Just oil and buildings.”

Since the recession hit, they say, the electricity has been cut off in dozens of the camps, and the men have not been paid for months. Their companies have disappeared with their passports and their pay. “We have been robbed of everything. Even if somehow we get back to Bangladesh, the loan sharks will demand we repay our loans immediately, and when we can’t, we’ll be sent to prison.”

This is all supposed to be illegal. Employers are meant to pay on time, never take your passport, give you breaks in the heat – but I met nobody who said it happens. Not one. These men are conned into coming and trapped into staying, with the complicity of the Dubai authorities.

Sahinal could well die out here. A British man who used to work on construction projects told me: “There’s a huge number of suicides in the camps and on the construction sites, but they’re not reported. They’re described as ‘accidents’.” Even then, their families aren’t free: they simply inherit the debts. A Human Rights Watch study found there is a “cover-up of the true extent” of deaths from heat exhaustion, overwork and suicide, but the Indian consulate registered 971 deaths of their nationals in 2005 alone. After this figure was leaked, the consulates were told to stop counting.

At night, in the dusk, I sit in the camp with Sohinal and his friends as they scrape together what they have left to buy a cheap bottle of spirits. They down it in one ferocious gulp. “It helps you to feel numb”, Sohinal says through a stinging throat. In the distance, the glistening Dubai skyline he built stands, oblivious.

10 Best Romantic Restaurants At Dubai


1. Pierchic


It is situated at Al Qasr Hotel, Madinat Jumeirah, Open daily 1pm-3.30pm; 7pm-12.30am. (04 366 6730).

Pierchic should to be on every Dubai resident or visitors must visit list. Restaurant has nice atmosphere of sitting on stilts out at sea in front of the sprawling Madinat Jumeirah complex; the walk along the wooden path towards the striking eatery is utterly extraordinary. Pierchic is extremely popular, and at times the wait staff shows the stress, but overall the ambiance is openhearted and buzzing. The menu, thankfully, is not overwhelming in length (though it definitely isn’t cheap), and includes all seafood, from dishes such as crispy organic salmon with parsnip purée to black tiger prawns. In a dessert you will indulge yourself with toffee banana pudding with peanut ice cream and rounds things off with a solid grape and after-dinner drinks list.

Tip: be sure to book ahead of time…

View original post 1,584 more words

Dubai and its fine

Dubai is one of seven emirates in UAE. Each emirate is governed by a hereditary emir, and chooses one of its members to be the president of the federation of seven emirates. How other countries are having obstacles Dubai do have.
Most of the people are facing legal obligation in the form of fines and cases. Such as

– Individual issues (blacklist, visa etc).
– Company issues (Special licenses, Sponsorship etc).
– Other Business related work.

And they get panic easily. They don’t have help with their situation. All issues and each case should treat with care. All work is done through LEGAL means.

Everything can be done in the UAE if you follow the legal procedures Everything can be done in the UAE if you follow the legal procedures.

We cater to:

Kindly send your inquiry or issue to our inbox. Please also provide a brief summary if required.

Do not be shy or nervous to explain your situation as we have dealt with many cases. Your inquiries and issues will be discussed in a private manner with full confidentiality.

– We do not charge for our advice but we DO charge for our service. You MUST have the funds for our service and be WILLING to pay for the services we provide. Our pricing varies by each case.

Dubai paid gold to citizen for losing weight in fight against obesity

Dubai is paying chunky citizens real gold to lose weight, as part of the United Arab Emirates’ efforts to curb the obesity epidemic.


For every 2 kilograms lost (about 4.4 pounds), contestants win two grams of gold, according to the Emirates 24/7 website. That’s worth about $90.
The municipality initiated the 30-day weight loss challenge, dubbed “Your Weight in Gold,” in the midst of Ramadan, the holy month in which the faithful fast from sunrise to sundown.

“Ramadan is the most appropriate season to launch such initiatives as it reminds us of the many health benefits of reducing weight and encourages us to take steps to change our bad lifestyles,” said Hussain Nasser Lootah, director general of Dubai municipality.

I must say its happen only in DUBAI. Be prepare for the next Ramadan to win such Gold. But i would suggest personally to bring sunshine in your life by keeping regular track on your health.

Dubai Municipality Gold Win 2015

Benefits of du in Dubai

du is coming up with goodies every now and then. I still remember, last year I used a lot of incoming credits and then the lower rate if Internation calls. I would love to share how I was managing to call long hours in my home country without being worried about my bills.

International Minutes:

Whenever you recharge your mobile, recharge it with “More Time” option. Once you have recharged it than dial *135*300#. It will ask you for the bundle, Press 1 for 5 AED bundle. That is the only bundle you will get. You have activated 10 minutes of International call at the cost of 5 AED. Enjoy it.

Now they came up with the surprise gifts. The procedure to entitle for such benefits is as below. Just refile you du card and then dial following numbers

Or message.

You will get the privilege of following surprise

500 Points -20 Local SMS
Express yourself and show friends and loved ones how much you care with these 20 local SMS.
To redeem this prize SMS 1000 to 1232

750 Points -10 International SMS
Stay in touch with your nearest and dearest with these 10 International SMS.
To redeem this prize SMS 1001 to 1232

1000 points – 25% Discount on tickets from Dubai Dolphinarium
Meet some of the most beautiful animals that inhabit our oceans and have lots of fun with them.
To redeem this prize SMS 2001 to 1232

1000 points -20 Local minutes
Here’s a free 20 minute gossip session! Speak to your friends in the UAE and share all those new juicy stories!
To redeem this prize SMS 1002 to 1232

1800 points AED 50 at Fun City
For every 50 dirhams you spend at Fun City you’ll get AED 50 back. So go ahead and go wild at this classic family theme park!
To redeem this prize SMS 2002 to 1232

2000 points– AED 20 Coldstone Creamery voucher
If it has anything to do with an ice cream, it has everything to do with Cold Stone Creamery. Relish everything from unique ice cream creations to smoothies, cakes as well as milkshakes.
To redeem this prize SMS 3002 to 1232

< Creamery voucher
If it has anything to do with an ice cream, it has everything to do with Cold Stone Creamery. Relish everything from unique ice cream creations to smoothies, cakes as well as milkshakes.
To redeem this prize SMS 3002 to 1232

2200 points – 50 Local minutes
Go ahead and speak to all your friends in the UAE and share all those new juicy stories with these 50 local minutes!
To redeem this prize SMS 1003 to 1232

3000 points – AED 20 KFC voucher
Be it weekends or weekdays all you need is the Colonel’s ‘finger lickin good’ chicken from KFC. Enjoy great food, great service!
To redeem this prize SMS 3001 to 1232

3000 points -25% discount from Fruits and Passion
Gather the best that nature has to offer. Pamper yourself with pure essences which are nourishing, refreshing, hydrating and purifying with a 25% discount voucher from Fruits & Passion.
To redeem this prize SMS 2003 to 1232

10 Workplace Rights Every Dubai Employee Should Know

Do you know what all rights you have at work? You might accept that you can rely on your employer to monitor the law in every condition, but in fact, many employers violate labor laws, often simply through unawareness. It pays to know what your rights are.
Here are Ten of the most important workplace rights you might not appreciate you have.


1. Salary deduction: Employer cannot subtract a single penny from your salary in the name of offset an inadvertent error, cash shortage, or breakage (in other words, a loss caused by a simple mistake or accident). Your employer can’t deny your paycheck for deprived performance. No matter how poorly you perform, your employer can’t manipulate your salary. Make a mistake that prices the business thousands of dollars? Breakdown an important piece of equipment? These are the expenses of doing business for your employer, and it can’t come out of an employee’s paycheck. Of course, you might lose your job, but you still must be salaried for all the hours you worked.

2. Receiving Paycheck Promptly: You must receive your paycheck prompt after a pay period ends. The employer may even be required to pay you additional money on top of your wages as a penalty if your paycheck is late.If you are fired, your employer must pay all wages due to you immediately upon termination. If you quit, and gave your employer 72 hours of notice, you are entitled on your last day to all wages due. If you quit with less than 72 hours of notice, your wages are due within 72 hours after you notified your employer that you will be quitting. If your employer willfully refuses to pay you within these time limits, it may have to pay you a penalty for each day that your wages are late, for up to 30 days.

3. Overtime Pay: Whether you’re eligible for overtime pay isn’t up to your employer; the government decides. As per the UAE Labor Law, where the work circumstances require a worker to work more than the normal number of hours, any period worked in excess shall be treated as overtime, for which the worker shall receive the wage stipulated for his normal working hours, plus a supplement of at least 25 percent of that wage. Where the work circumstances require a worker to work overtime between 9 pm and 4am, he shall be entitled in respect of such overtime to the wage stipulated for his normal working hours, plus a supplement of at least 50 percent of that wage.
The number of hours of actual overtime shall not exceed two a day, unless such work is essential for preventing a substantial loss or a serious accident, or eliminating or alleviating the impact of the latter. Overtime may be calculated on the basis of the total wage and not the basic wage. In the labor law ‘Wage’ and ‘Basic wage’ have different definitions. ‘Wage’ includes basic pay plus all the allowances and ‘Basic wage’ excludes any allowances.

4. Working Off the Clock: Your employer cannot ask, require, or even allow you to work off the clock. If you’re a non-exempt employee, you must be paid for all time worked. You can’t waive this right. Moreover, your employer cannot give you comp time in lieu of overtime pay.

5. Unsafe work.
The Labor Law allows you to refuse to perform unsafe work as long as it is hazardous enough that any reasonable person would think his/her health or safety would be in danger by doing the work. Before you refuse to perform unsafe work, however, make sure you inform your supervisor about the unsafe condition, and give the company a chance to correct it. If the company does not correct the unsafe condition, and you decide to refuse the work, make sure that you inform your supervisor, preferably in writing or in front of others, exactly why you are refusing to do the work, and that you will return to work as soon as the condition is fixed.

6. Discussing Your Salary: Your employer can’t stop you from discussing your salary with your co-workers. The employers can’t prevent employees from discussing wages among themselves. Many employers have policies against this anyway, but these policies violate the law.

7. Working Condition: Similarly, your employer can’t stop you from discussing your working conditions with your co-workers. The reason for the law is that employees wouldn’t be able to organize if they were forbidden from talking with each other about such important issues.

8. Promises: Promises made in your employee handbook are often binding. Circumstances vary, but in many cases, courts have ruled that promises made in employee handbooks are legally binding. In particular, pay attention to whether your company writes that it “will” or “shall” take particular actions; those statements are more likely to be more binding than statements that your employer “may” or “can” do something.

9. Identify between contractor and employee: Your employer can’t pay you as a contractor while treating you like an employee. If your employer controls when, where, and how you work, the government says you’re an employee—and your company needs to pay your payroll taxes and offer you the same benefits it offers to regular employees. Your designation as an “employee” or as an “independent. Contractor” is determined by how you do your work, not by your job title. If you are an employee, you are eligible for unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation,

10. Unemployment Insurance: You may be eligible for unemployment insurance if you are fired or quit your job for “good cause.” The following circumstances are considered to be “good cause” to quit a job:
 Domestic reasons (leaving your job in order to maintain a marriage or family situation);
 You are offered a better job (if you are offered another job with better wages, benefits and potential, and then the job falls through);
 Health reasons (before quitting, you must inform your employer of the health problem and ask for a leave of absence or a less demanding job);
 Intolerable working conditions (such as safety, harassment, significant demotions or pay cuts).

–Being fired from a job does not disqualify you from receiving unemployment insurance unless you are terminated for “misconduct;” showing serious or intentional disregard for your employer’s interests. Repeated tardiness or unexcused absences from work may qualify as misconduct; “poor performance” is not misconduct and should not disqualify you from unemployment benefits.

To avoid being disqualified for unemployment insurance if you quit the job, you must also make all reasonable attempts to notify your employer and attempt to solve the problem before you quit.

Top 10 Malls in Dubai

Dubai is very well known for the shopping destination and there is no doubt for such! You can say Dubai people are spoilt for choice with the number of large malls with many attractions inside. During the hot months people are sending their whole day in one of the great malls. Most international brands are in Dubai such as Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana as well as unusual home grown cafes brands such as Paul’s, Starbucks.

1. Arabian Centre

If you want to experience more than just shopping, visit Arabian Center. Located on Al Khawaneej Road, Mirdif. Tel: 04 284 5555. Sunday to Saturday 10.00am to 01.00am
So next time you drive down to Arabian Center, you can shop for all you need across 200 outlets, dine with family and friends as well as watch a movie, enjoy fun-filled activities with the whole family in our gaming center or drop your kids in a nursery. Not only that, Arabian Center contains all the service centers you need. You can now pay your bills, visit the bank, send parcels, do your grocery shopping, have your regular health check-up, while having the best of family time. Experience all this and more, all in one place.

Key Attractions:

• Matalan Department Store
• Fun City

2. Mall of the Emirates

Mall of The Emirates, entertainment the ultimate leisure, and shopping resort opened in September 2005. Strategically located in the heart of what is now deemed ‘New Dubai’, this 223,000 square meter center offers a full range of shopping, leisure, and entertainment.
Mall of the Emirates structures 476 international brands, organized with department, fashion, lifestyle, sports, electronics and home furnishing stores, the largest Carrefour in the city and over 60 outlets that are unique to the center and over 70 coffee shops and restaurants. It is located Interchange 4, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Tel: 04 409 9000, Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key Attractions:

• Ski Dubai
• Magic Planet
• Multiplex Cinema
• Kempinksi Hotel
• DUCTAC Community Theatre

3. Dubai Festival Centre

Dubai Festival Centre is built along the banks of the historic Dubai Creek. The premier waterfront destination for indulgence and superiority, Dubai Festival Centre promises an exciting selection of well-known retailers, international food and beverage outlets and major entertainment retreat. Today, guests can surf world-class brands offering widespread selection of items from fashion, jewelry, accessories, gifts and toys for all season. Stroll down to your favorite shops and enjoy the best market and entertainment experience the region has to give!
Location: Al Rebat Street, Dubai Festival City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: 04 213 6213
Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key Attractions:

• 12 Grand Cinemas Complex
• Bowling City
• Hard Rock Café Dubai (opening soon)
• Marina Restaurant Pavilion
• InterContinental & Crown Plaza Hotels
• Automotive Park

4. Dubai Mall

Construction work started in 2004 and the mall opened its doors to the world on November 4th 2008. The Dubai Mall is the world’s biggest shopping, holiday and entertainment destination. There are now over 1,000 shops open in The Dubai Mall. The Dubai Mall has over 165 stores that are new to the region, or have opened up stand-alone stores for the first time. It is located at Financial Centre Road, Interchange 1, and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Tel: 04 362 7500

Mall Timings: Sunday to Saturday 10.00am to 01.00am

Key Attractions:

• Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
• Dubai Ice Rink
• KidZania
• Reel Cinemas
• At The Top Burj Khalifa
• SEGA Republic
• The Dubai Fountain

5. Mirdif City Centre

Mirdif City Centre is a super-regional shopping mall located on Emirates road and Tripoli Street, Tel: 04 602 3000. The mall is a hub of the larger community with all-encompassing provisions of facilities such as dedicated community areas, medical clinics, spa, personal grooming facilities and a fitness Centre. With over 430 stores and a host of tasty food outlets, Mirdif City Centre is ‘the place for you’.
Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key Attractions:

• Planation
• iFly Dubai
• Magic Planet
• Aqua Play
• Cinema

6. Deira City Centre

Deira City Centre, Dubai, UAE, first opened its doors in November 1995. At the time, it virtually redefined the concept of “malls” for the region. As the first large-scale, mixed-use shopping destination, complete with retail outlets, restaurants, entertainment facilities and a hotel, Deira City Centre created an international dimension for one-stop shopping and entertainment for the Middle East, bringing it to an entirely new level. With average annual footfall traffic in excess of 20 million, Deira City Centre remains one of the region’s most visited destinations for both residents and tourists.
Location: Port Saeed Road, Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: 04 295 4486
Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key attractions:

• Magic Planet
• 11 Screen Cinema
• Bowling City

7. Burjuman Centre

Burjuman is billed as the world’s most luxurious shopping destination. With 300 leading stores including Saks 5th Avenue, you’ll always be spoilt for choice. Located in the heart of Dubai, the Burjuman Centre is a distinctive landmark which comprises of 800,000 square feet of retail space. Burjuman has more than 300 prestigious stores and you can also choose from a wide selection of restaurants, a food court and cafes.
Location: Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Street, Bur Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: 04 352 0222
Mall Timings: Saturday to Wednesday 10.00am to 11.00pm, Thursday to Friday 10.00am to 01.00am
Key Attractions:

• Designer shopping
• Fun World and Fun City
• Saks 5th Avenue

8. Ibn Battuta Mall

Ibn Battuta Mall, the world’s chief themed shopping mall is revolutionizing the retail and entertainment experience in Dubai. Uniquely designed to celebrate the travels of the famous Arabic explorer Ibn Battuta, the exciting mix of over 275 retailers, 50 restaurants and food outlets, 21 cinema screens including the UAE’s only IMAX theatre and a continual array of events and promotions have helped evolve and develop one of the city’s fastest growing areas.
Location: Gardens Cross Road, the Gardens, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: 04 362 1900
Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key Attractions:

• IMAX Theatre Cinema
• One level shopping
• Themed events

9. Dubai Outlet Mall

Dubai Outlet Mall is the only ‘outlet’ concept mall in the Middle East and home to over 800 of the world’s premium and top fashion brands. The mall is dedicated to being a true value retail destination and you can snap up discounts of between 30 – 90% on the majority of products on offer in the 240 stores there. The mall is on the Al Ain Road (route 66),Dubailand, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: 04 423 4666
Mall Timings: Sunday to Wednesday 10.00am to 10.00pm, Thursday to Saturday 10.00am to 12.00am

Key Attractions:

• Chuck E Cheese
• Adidas Factory Outlet
• Soft Play Area
• Food Court
• The One Outlet

10. Dubai Marina Mall

Dubai Marina Mall offers you the best of the big malls right in the heart of the Marina area– it is a modern shopping and lifestyle destination for residents and visitors of the Dubai Marina community.

With more than 130 outlets spread across four levels, Dubai Marina Mall features a retail mix of high street fashion brands, boutique fashion, al fresco waterfront dining, a supermarket and a great entertainment offer. The 5-star Address Dubai Marina Hotel is directly linked to the mall.

Dubai Marina Mall is a relaxed, stylish environment which makes spending time here effortless and enjoyable. Feel free to be yourself, whether your style is casual, chic or fashionably cool. Dubai Marina Mall is a place where you’ll feel at home.

Location- From Dubai, use the tunnel off Sheikh Zayed Road just after exit 32. If coming from Dubai Marina use Emaar Drive. The mall will be on your right, Tel: 04 436 1020.

Mall timings: Saturday- Wednesday 10am- 10 pm, Thursday & Friday- 10am- midnight

Key Attractions:

Waitrose Supermarket
Large cinema
Outside dining with Marina view
Cute kiddy train!

How To Lift Dubai’s 6 Months BAN

Apart from providing tax free income and lucrative benefits, sometimes it’s been difficult to work in Dubai if you don’t have enough information. Each migrant is emigrating from their home country to other with lots of dream and ambitions. Their first and foremost step is search for a job in Dubai UAE.

For some or other reason employees are not able to finish their 2 months of contract and has to leave the company. In that case, as per Dubai law, by default there is a 6 months band for an employee. Most of the employees are reluctant to do such act and an unnecessarily trying to finish their two years contract.

But now they don’t need to worry about it, here are the remedies for such barbaric bruises.

1). Employee Can look forward for a Free Zone Companies. This are the companies which are providing visa irrespective of band and an employee can leave a free zone company any time without any band.( but has to finish 6 months if already has a band from previous employer)

2). The ban can be rid off incase if employee has been offered a minimum salary of AED 5,000 for high school graduates, AED 7,000 for diploma holders and AED 12,000 for bachelor’s degree holders. This salary must be mentioned in the labour contract. And the degree attestation is not necessary at the time of applying visa. In such criteria there are no fees to remove the band.

3). If the previous company is issuing NOC than employee can change the company and join other company without any ban.

But it will be advisable to go through with whole screening of the companies. Asked few question about your career to yourself and then sign the contact. Frequently changing job will cost a huge question mark on your resume and you will deprive from the benefits of the contract completion remedies. Such as bonus, gratuity, performance appraisal etc. Leave your comment if you know anything more than this. For more guidance visit https://manishareview.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/dubai-and-its-fines/